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EXERCISE 40b — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. They're not following the original plan. What aren't they doing?

2. I took some aspirin, and my headache was gone for a while, but now I have a headache again. What did my headache do?

3. You started to cry suddenly and loudly. What did you do?

4. Hank was supposed to meet with his parole officer in the morning, but he didn't go because he wanted to sleep late. What did Hank do to his meeting with his parole officer?

5. The hotel desk clerk didn't tell me he had canceled my reservation by mistake. Instead he invented a lot of crazy excuses that he knew weren't true. What did the hotel desk clerk do?

6. Todd's sister was very upset, and he asked what the problem was, but she told him to leave her alone. What did Todd's sister ask him to do?

7. Skiing is what Heather likes more than anything. How does Heather feel about skiing?

8. Everyone in the factory was busy, so when the delivery truck came, David was forced to unload it by himself. What happened to David?

9. Nancy began talking about joining the Peace Corps. What did Nancy do?

10. The number of people with malaria decreased, but now the number is increasing every year. What is malaria doing?

11. Poverty is a problem that never decreases or disappears. What doesn't poverty do?

12. You went on a business trip three weeks ago, and you haven't returned yet. What haven't you done yet?

13. Ned had to call his broker immediately, so he ran to various places looking for a telephone. What did Ned do?

14. It would be nice to leave this city for a week or two. What would be nice?

15. When I was young, my parents taught me to believe in the golden rule. What did my parents do?

EXERCISE 40c — Write eight original sentences using phrasal verbs from this section. Try to use either gerunds or the -ing form.

1. _____________________________________________.

2. _____________________________________________.


4. _____________________________________________.


6. ______________________________________________________



EXERCISE 40d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

back down, 36 go down, 36 lead up to, 34 stick around, 34
do over, 34 go out, 32 make of, 35 stick to, 34
fool around, 35 hold against, 35 put up to, 34 take back, 34
go by, 35 lay down, 36 run down, 36 trick into, 35


1. At school, Luis got into a lot of trouble for something I did, and now he________it ________ me.

2. If I could ________ it ________ again, I'd do it differently.

3. The price of gas is expected to______________to$1 a gallon within a month.

4. The light suddenly ________ ________, and I couldn't see a thing.

5. Do you have to go already? Can't you ________ ________ for a few minutes?

6. We don't want to forget anything, so let's ________ ________ the list one more time to be sure.

7. The announcement was a real surprise. I'm not sure what to ______ _______ it.

8. This book I bought is missing some pages. Can you ________ it ________ to the bookstore for me tomorrow?

9. Crime was getting out of control, so a new sheriff was elected who promised to ________ ________ the law.

10. That gun is loaded, so I wouldn't ________ ________ with it if I were you.

11. After I threatened to go to the police and tell them everything, he ________ ________ and stopped making threats.

12. My brother always thought I would be a failure, so now that I'm rich, I love to _____ it _____ him by complaining about how hard it is to keep a thirty-room house clean.

13. My son is a good boy. If he was shoplifting, I'm sure someone ________ him ________________it.

14. In my history class we studied the various things that ________ ________ ________ the current situation.

15. The month we spent in Italy was a lot of fun, but it seemed to ________ _______ so quickly.

16. My brother-in-law is so sneaky. He tried to ________ me ________ telling him the combination to my safe.

41. FOCUS ON: two-word phrasal verbs with the particle in that require into when used with an object

We have seen in Sections 9 and 23 that some two-word phrasal verbs require a second particle when they are transitive, which makes them three-word phrasal verbs. Many phrasal verbs with the particle in have a meaning that relates to entering or penetrating. When what is being entered or penetrated is named, these verbs become transitive; however, this is not done by adding a second particle but by changing in to into. Another way to look at it is to consider intro two particles, in and to, written as one word:

The thief broke in.

The thieves broke into the jewelry store.

But this is true only for meanings of the phrasal verb that relate to entering or penetrating, not for all meanings. Some meanings with in have no into version (and are included in this section), and some meanings with into have no in version (and are not included in this section). Moreover, sometimes into is optional, and the verb can be used transitively with either in or into.

We see also in this section that there is often a phrasal verb with an opposite meaning with in and into corresponding to out and out of:

I sneaked in.

I sneaked out.

I sneaked into the house.

I sneaked out of the house.


    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
break in break in & breaks in breaking in broke in broken in


1. break in l into p.v. When you break in or break into a place, you enter illegally using force or deception.

A thief broke in and stole my TV.

When I saw the smashed glass in the street, I knew my car had been broken into.

break-in n. A break-in is an illegal entry into a place using force or deception. The police investigated a break-in at the liquor store.

2. break... in p.v. When you break in a new mechanical device or a car, you use it slowly and carefully until you are sure it ready for heavier use. When you break in a pair of shoes, you wear them only occasionally and for a short time until they are comfortable. When you break in people at a new job, you train and supervise them and give them less than the normal amount of work until they are ready for something more difficult.

l don't want to wear these boots on the expedition. I haven't broken them in yet.

We're breaking in a new secretary, so things have been a bit confused at our office lately.

broken in part.adj. After you break in a new mechanical device or a car, a pair of shoes, or people at a new job, they are broken in.

l don't want to wear those shoes to the dance. They're not broken in yet.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 521. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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