EXERCISE 41 b — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs, participle adjectives, and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.
1. Janice entered the house quietly so that no one would hear her. What did Janice do? 2. Lydia unlocked the door so that her brother could enter the house. What did Lydia do? 3. Ms. Cummings paid her hotel bill and left. What did Ms. Cummings do? 4. In Question 3, Ms. Cummings had to leave the hotel before noon so that she would not have to pay for another day. What is noon at the hotel? 5. The window of Nancy's house was broken, and her jewelry, TV, and computer were gone. What happened to Nancy's house? 6. In Question 5, what happened at Nancy's house? 7. When I arrive at the airport, I'll give my ticket to the agent, and she'll give me a boarding pass. What will I do at the airport? 8. In Question 7, where will I go in the airport? 9. The room is full of cigarette smoke, and Karen doesn't want to enter it. What doesn't Karen want to do? 10. I saw an interesting house with a "for sale" sign on Pine Street as I was driving home. Tomorrow I'll stop and learn more about it. What will I do to the house tomorrow? 11. When Erik flies to Colorado to go skiing, he always gives his skis to the airline agent so that they will be put in the baggage compartment. What does Erik always do with his skis? 12. In Question 11, how would you describe Erik's skis after he gives them to the airline agent? 13. You opened the window quietly, when no one was looking, and left your house. What did you do? 14. Mr. Baker hasn't arrived at his hotel and arranged for a room yet. What hasn't Mr. Baker done yet? 15. Hank bought a new CD player and connected the plug to the outlet. What did Hank do? 16. In Question 15, how would you describe Hank's new CD player? 17. Before Ned was hired for his job in a nursing home, the human resources manager at the nursing home called his previous employer and asked questions about Ned. What was done to Ned? 18. My feet are killing me. It wasn't very smart to wear new hiking boots that aren't soft and comfortable. Why are my feet killing me?