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EXERCISE 44c — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs, participle adjectives, and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. Tom paid a mechanic to replace his car's generator with a new one, but the mechanic put a used generator in and still charged Tom for a new one. What did the mechanic do to Tom?

2. In Question 1, what would you call what the mechanic did to Tom?

3. If they don't stop making so much noise, the manager is going to tell them to leave. What is the manager going to do?

4. You locked all the doors and windows in your house. What did you do?

5. In Question 4, how would you describe your house after you locked all the doors and windows?

6. Many cars look the same these days, and it's hard to tell them apart. If it is hard to tell them apart, what is it easy to do?

7. Scratching my brother's new car really made him angry. What did scratching my brother's new car do to my brother?

8. In Question 7, how would you describe my brother?

9. Linda is very confused about how to use her computer. How would you describe Linda?

10. Driving in all this traffic is making you nervous and tense. What is driving in all this traffic doing to you?

11. In Question 10, how would you describe yourself?

12. I let Charles use my skis, and when he returned them, they were in very bad condition. How were my skis when Charles returned them?

13. Sam's father was sent to prison for bank robbery. What happened to Sam's father?

14. In Question 13, how would you describe Sam's father?

15. Karen went to the store planning to buy a pair of shoes, but she ended up buying five pairs of shoes, three dresses, four blouses, and a new winter coat. What happened to Karen?

16. When the angry people caught the thief, they hit and kicked him again and again. What did the angry crowd do?

17. When you put all the ingredients in, you have to stir them so they will be combined. What do you have to do?

EXERCISE 44d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

break in l into, 41 keep at, 38 keep off, 38 pay off, 37
bring up, 40 keep away, 38 keep on, 38 put up to, 34
cover up, 37 keep down, 38 keep to, 38 stick with, 40
help out, 33 keep from, 38 keep up, 38 take over, 39


1. The newspaper story claimed that the governor had taken a bribe and had then tried to ________it________.

2. That stock I bought really ________ ________. It went up nearly 100 percent in only three months.

3. After the new manager ________ ________ next month, you can expect a lot of changes.

4. Will you kids ________ it ________, please? I'm on the phone.

5. I told you to stop. If you _______ _______ doing that, I'm going to get pissed off.

6. The police think the burglars may have _______ _______ through the back door.

7. If you kids go outside to play,________________from that pile of junk—it's full of broken glass.

8. I need to talk to Jerry about his bad breath, but I'm nervous about _____ it _____.

9. Dan is so sad about what happened that he can't ________ ________ crying.

10. When I went to the car rental office, they had already rented all the good cars, and they ________ me ________ a beat-up piece of junk.

11. The legislature passed a tough new law designed to ________ drunken drivers ________ the streets.

12. When you're depressed you should talk to people about what's troubling you, not ________ it ________ yourself.

13. I'm broke — do you think you could ________ me ________ till payday?

14. Nothing the inventor tried worked, but he ________ ________ it until he solved the problem.

15. I can't believe that my daughter would steal money from me. That awful boyfriend of hers must have ________ her ________ ________ it.

16. Jane did very well in her first semester of college. I hope she can ________ it ________ for the next four years.

45. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs with the verb turn

Many phrasal verbs are based on the verb turn. In most cases, phrasal verbs with turn involve two options and a change from one option to the other or, when it is possible, a move closer to one option and farther away from the other. In other words, choosing either A or B or, when it is possible to be somewhere between A and B, moving closer to A and farther away from B, or vice versa.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
turn down turn down & turns down turning down turned down turned down


1. turn...down p.v. When you turn down an electrical or mechanical device, you change the controls to decrease the level of what it is producing or doing. Turn up is the opposite of turn down.

Could you turn the radio down? I'm trying to sleep.

If it gets too cold, I'll turn down the air conditioner.

2. turn... down p.v. When you deny a request, you turn down the request or turn down the person who has made the request.

l asked Nancy to go to the dance with me, but she turned me down.

My request for a pay raise was turned down.

Getting turned down every time I apply for a job is getting me down.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 495. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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