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EXERCISE 43e, Review — Complete the sentences with these participle adjectives from previous sections. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

broken in, 41 crossed off, 39 plugged in, 41
checked in,41 filled up, 39 put off, 31
checked out, 41 leftover, 37 rundown, 36
chopped up, 39 let down, 37 sold out, 39
covered up, 37 paid off, 37 straightened out, 39

1. If you're hungry, there's some ___________ pizza in the refrigerator.

2. This meat isn't ________ ________ enough; the pieces are too big.

3. That food isn't ________ _________; flies are going to land on it.

4. Someday John wants to move from this ___________ neighborhood to a better one.

5. My feet really hurt because these shoes aren't ________ ________ yet.

6. My car loan is ________ ________; I made my final payment last month.

7. After forty-five years with the company, I thought they would give me more than this cheap pen at my retirement party. I feel ________ ________.

8. There aren't eight names on the list; there are only five — three are ________ ________.

9. We're ________________ now; we can take our luggage up to our hotel room.

10. We can get a taxi for the airport now; we're ________ ________.

11. The game isn't ________ ________; there are plenty of tickets left.

12. No wonder this radio doesn't work — it's not ________ ________.

13. The tank isn't ________ ________ yet; there's room for another gallon or two.

14. Is everything ________ ________, or do I need to explain it again?

15. Why are you so ________ ________? Did I say something that offended you?

EXERCISE 43f, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

burst out, 40 go in l into, 41 keep from, 38 keep up, 38
come back, 40 keep at, 38 keep off, 38 sneak in l into, 41
get back, 42 keep away, 38 keep on, 38 sneak out of, 41
get behind, 42 keep down, 38 keep to, 38 wipe out, 39


1. Susie ________ ________ the kitchen and took a cookie when her mother wasn't looking.

2. When I was a teenager, I used to ________ ________ of the house and meet my friends after my parents went to bed.

3. I just shampooed the carpet in the living room, so ________ ________ it.

4. I need to see my physical therapist. That pain I used to have in my knee is ________ ________.

5. Do you have a bigger envelope? This letter won't _______ _______ this small one.

6. Betty asked the bus driver to stop, but he didn't hear her and ________ right ________ going.

7. Maria leaves for work at 7:00 in the morning, and she doesn't usually ________ ________ to her house until after 8:00 in the evening.

8. Jim has ________ way ________ in his studies because he's been in the hospital for several weeks.

9. Marvin was acting like such an idiot when he was angry that I couldn't ________ ________ laughing.

10. Don't give up now—________________it!

11. It was hard to ________ my magazine article ________ only 2,000 words — there was so much I wanted to say.

12. Mike ________ ________ crying when his wife told him she wanted a divorce.

13. I try to take notes in my history class, but the teacher talks so fast that I can't ________ ________.

14. The enemy soldiers were almost completely ________ ________ in the attack.

15. That dog of yours is dangerous, so please_______ it_______from my children.

16. The candy company has ________ the cost of its products ________ despite the rise in the cost of sugar.

44. FOCUS ON: participle adjectives and passive phrasal verbs with the verb get

It is important to understand two different but related uses of get in forming the passive voice.

get + adjectives: get = become

It is very common in English to use get followed by an adjective. This is not the passive. In this case get is similar to become:

She got sick yesterday.

She became sick yesterday.

get + past participles: a form of the passive

It is also very common to use get in place of be to form the passive voice. The construction is the same; get is followed by the past participle:

Judy got kicked out of school.

Judy was kicked out of school.

There is a difference, however, between the passive formed with be and the passive formed with get: When the passive is formed with get, there is often (but not always) a suggestion that the subject of the sentence was somehow responsible or partially responsible for what happened:

Judy got kicked out of school.

A person hearing the sentence above might think that perhaps Judy did something wrong that resulted in her getting kicked out of school. Sometimes, to leave no doubt that the subject is responsible for what happened, a reflexive pronoun is used:

Judy got herself kicked out of school. get + participle adjectives: adjective or passive?

As we have seen, in English the past participles of many verbs are used as adjectives. When get is followed by a past participle, it is not always clear whether the sentence is passive or whether the past participle is functioning as an adjective:

l got mixed up last week.

I became mixed up last week.

In the examples above, we can see that the past participle is clearly functioning as an adjective since get can be replaced with become, but notice that the sentence can also pass the by test (discussed in Section 13), which indicates that it is passive:

l got mixed up by all the confusing road signs last week.

Again, we see how closely related adjectives and past participles are in English and how it is not always easy to distinguish between the two. Fortunately, it is not usually very important. What is important is to be comfortable using past participles as adjectives, and the key to doing so is not to understand the differ­ence between true adjectives derived from past participles and past participles with an adjective function but instead to understand that there often is no difference.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
beat up beat up & beats up beating up beat up beaten up


1. beat... up p.v. [informal] When you beat people up, you hit them or kick them repeatedly.

The muggers stole my money and then beat me up.

Timmy got beaten up at school today.

beat-up part.adj. When something is in bad condition because of heavy use, it is beat-up.

My car is an old, beat-up piece of junk.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 589. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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