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Kick out

kick out & kicks out kicked out kicking out kicking out

1. kick... out (of) p.v. When you kick people out or kick people out of a group, place, building, room, and so on, you order them to leave. Throw out is similar to kick out.

David drank too much and got himself kicked out of the bar.

Bob's in our car pool, but he's always arguing with the other guys about something, so we're going to kick him out.

    present tense •ing form past tense past participle
lock up lock up &; locks up locking up locked up locked up


1. lock... up p.v. When you lock all the doors and windows of a building, you lock it up.

The manager always locks up before he goes home.

We locked our house up before we went on vacation.

locked up part.adj. After all the doors and windows of a building have been locked, it is locked up.

You can't get in the house — it's locked up.

2. lock... up p.v. When you lock people up, you put them in prison.

The police locked Hank up after they caught him shoplifting.

Whoever committed that terrible crime ought to be locked up forever.

locked up part.adj. Someone who has been put in prison is locked up.

Being locked up in jail was a terrible experience.

lockup n. A prison or other place where people are locked up is a lockup.

Omar was put in the lockup after he was arrested for drunken driving.

Mix up

mix up & mixes up mixing up mixed up mixed up

1. mix... up p.v. When you mix something up that has two or more ingredients, you stir it so that the ingredients will be thoroughly combined.

Put in the eggs, butter, sugar, flour, and water and then mix it up well.

An electric mixer will mix up the ingredients better than a hand mixer.

2. mix... up p.v. When you mix two things up, you confuse them with each other.

Jerry and his twin brother look exactly the same, and everyone mixes them up.

Newborn babies sometimes get mixed up in the hospital.

mixed up part.adj. When you are confused about something that you want to understand, or when you have emotional or behavioral problems, you are mixed up.

Can you help me with my calculus homework? I'm really mixed up.

Jimmy is a mixed-up kid who gets in trouble with the police a lot.

mix-up n. A mistake, misunderstanding, or confused situation is a mix-up.

Waiter, I think there's been a mix-up. I asked you for a chicken salad sandwich, but you brought me a tuna salad sandwich.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
piss off piss off & pisses off pissing off pissed off pissed off


1. piss... off p.v. [informal and offensive to some people] When you make people angry, you piss them off.

You'd better stop that! You're pissing me off.

Don't make a lot of noise when Mark is trying to study; it pisses him off.

pissed off part.adj. When you are angry, you are pissed off.

Melon ie got really pissed off at Heather for borrowing her necklace without asking and then losing it.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 493. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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