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Move out

move out & moves out moving out moved out moved out

1. move out (of) p.v. When you move out or move out of a place, you take your furniture and other personal possessions out of a place where you lived. Move in l into is the opposite of move out.

Could you help me move out? I have to be out by the end of the month.

Mr. and Mrs. Baker moved out of their big house and into a smaller place after their children grew up.

1. move... out (of) p.v. When you move people out or move them out of a place, you take their furniture and other personal possessions out of a place where they lived. When you move things out or move them out of a place, you take them out. Move in l into is the opposite of move out.

One of our roommates wasn't paying his rent, so we moved his stuff out while he was at work.

The company had a sale to try to move some merchandise out of the warehouse.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
pull out pull out & pulls out pulling out pulled out pulled out


1. pull out (of) p.v. When a car, truck, or other vehicle pulls out or pulls out of a

parking space, it leaves the place where it was parked and starts driving in the street. When the drivers of cars, trucks, or other vehicles pull out or pull out of a parking space, they leave the place where they were parked and start driving in the street.

The accident happened when the Ford pulled out in front of the Chevy.

You should fasten your seat belt before you pull out of the parking space.

2. pull out (of) p.v. When you pull out or pull out of an agreement or arrangement, you leave it because you decide that you do not want to participate any longer.

The French company reconsidered its agreement to build a plant in Canada and decided to pull out.

I wish I hadn't pulled out of that business deal. Now everyone who stayed in is making a lot of money.

3. pull... out (of) p.v. When soldiers leave a combat zone or an area where combat is likely, they pull out or are pulled out. Go in is the opposite of pull out.

When Sergeant Jones saw the enemy soldiers getting closer, he ordered his men to pull out.

General Johnston pulled all the troops out of the occupied territory.

pullout n. When soldiers leave a combat zone or an area where combat is likely, a pullout takes place.

General Johnston ordered an immediate pullout of all troops in the occupied territory.

Put in

put in & puts in putting in put in put in

1. put...in l into p.v. When you put something in or put something into a container, storage place, or building, you place it inside. Take out is the opposite of put in l into.

Please put your clothes in the closet.

The clerk put the bottle into the bag and gave me a receipt.

2. put... in l into p.v. When you put money in or put money into a bank or anaccount at a bank, you deposit the money. Put in l into is the opposite of take out.

I'm going to the bank today. How much money do you think I should put in?

We put $ 10,000 into our savings account.

3. put... in l into p.v. When you put people in or put them into a prison, hospital, school, or other institution, you take them there or require them to go there.

Jake got put in jail for twenty years. Marvin should be put into a mental institution.

4. put... in l into p.v. When you put time or effort in or put time or effort into something, you spend time and work hard to accomplish it.

At the Christmas party, the manager thanked his employees for all the work they had put in.

I put a lot of time into becoming a doctor.

5. put... in l into p.v. When you put money in or put money into something, you contribute money to help pay for something or as an investment you hope will return a profit.

When the check came for dinner, we each put $25 in.

I've already put $100,000 into this business. I hope it starts making money soon.

6. put...in p.v. When you construct or install something in a building, you put it in.

We're having new carpeting put in next week.

Erik and Nancy are thinking about putting in central air conditioning.

7. put... in p.v. When you cause people to be in a situation, position, or condition, you put them in that situation, position, or condition.

You've put Jim in a very awkward situation.

Margaret Cummings was put in charge of the sales department.

    present tense •ing form past tense past participle
run out run out & runs out running out ran out run out


1. run out (of) p.v. When people or things run out or run out of a place, room, build­ing, and so on, they leave it very quickly. Run in l into is the opposite of run out.

There's Sofia across the street — run out and ask her to come over here.

When I opened the door, the dog ran out of the house.

2. run out (of) p.v. When you do not have any more of something because you have used, consumed, or sold all of it, you run out or run out of it.

I'm sorry I can't give you sugar for your coffee — I've run out.

Sam was late to work this morning because he ran out of gas.

3. run out p.v. When something is completely used, consumed, or sold, it runs out.

l played poker last night, and for a while I was ahead by $3,000. But then my luck ran out, and I ended up losing it all.

My brother is too lazy to look for a job. He asks me for money, and when the money runs out he comes back for more.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 482. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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