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EXERCISE 45c — Write eight original sentences using phrasal verbs from this section.

1. ____________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________________________

8. ____________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 45d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

beat up, 44 get by, 42 get over, 42 lock up, 44
carry away, 44 get down, 42 get up, 42 run up, 43
get back, 42 get in l into, 42 gross out, 43 stop off, 43
get behind, 42 get out, 42 head toward, 43 try on, 43


1. I lost a very expensive gold watch, and I'll be very surprised if I ever ________ it ________.

2. I had dinner with some friends, and we ________ ________ a $500 tab.

3. Have you ________ ________ to see your parents in Alaska lately?

4. I should have ______ these pants ______ before buying them — they're too small.

5. Carlos was hitting his brother Alex, so Alex said to Carlos,"________ ________ of here!"

6. I called my brother in Miami and told him that I was leaving Boston at 8:40 in the morning and that I should ______ ______ there around 1:00 in the afternoon.

7. I wish you'd chew with your mouth closed — you're ________ me ________.

8. Our flight won't ________ ________ Santa Fe until after midnight.

9. After I leave Texas, I'm going to ________ ________ Mississippi.

10. Karen's expecting me for dinner tonight at her house way out in the suburbs, but my car is in the shop. I don't know how I'm going to ________ ________ there.

11. The night manager has to leave early tonight, so I'm going to ________ ________ for him.

12. Hank had a fight with a guy in a bar and got______________pretty badly.

13. I had a bad day at work, so I ________ ________ at a bar for a drink before going home.

14. Sofia is having a lot of trouble in her history class and is________further and further ________.

15. After her husband died, she had a hard time ________ ________ it.

16. You can use my credit card to buy a few things, but don't get ______ ______.

46. FOCUS ON: pronunciation of phrasal verbs with the particle into

As we saw in Section 6, three-word phrasal verbs are normally accented on the sec­ond, or middle, particle whether they are separable or nonseparable. This also applies to phrasal verbs that convert in to l nfo when they are used with an object. Although these verbs are not made up of three words, recall that into is actually a combination of the particles in and to — two words written as one. For this reason, it is the first syllable of into that is accented:

The speakers are built INto the wall.

This is also true of phrasal verbs using into that do not have an in version:

l bumped INto an old friend.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
build in build in & builds in building in built in built in


1. build...in l into p.v. When you build something in or build something into something else, you put it in the item you are making during its construction or assembly rather than adding it later.

l told the builder that I wanted him to build some shelves in.

In the past, FM radios weren't built into cars — you had to add one later if you wanted one.

built-in part.adj. When something has been put into something else during its con­struction or assembly, rather than being added later, it is built-in.

The sound from the stereo goes to built-in speakers in every room of the house.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 482. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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