Студопедия — FOCUS 5. Fill in the gaps with prepositions/particles where necessary.
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FOCUS 5. Fill in the gaps with prepositions/particles where necessary.


1. The authority... the Agent to represent the Company shall be specifically limited... the authority expressly granted... this Agreement and may be exercised only... the Agent’s Approved Locations... which the Company’s appointment applies.
2. The Agent undertakes that all transportation sold... this Agreement... the Agent shall be sold... strict compliance... the rules and conditions applicable... the sale... such services.
3. The Agent shall be furnished... the necessary information as a matter... course or... response... a request.
4. ... regard... any service the Agent... may procure... this Agreement the Agent will ensure that the sale is made... all respects... accordance... the requirements... this Agreement.
5. The Agent shall remit... the Company all sums due... services sold hereunder not less than once each month... such days... such currency... such condition as it is shown... Attachment C... this Agreement unless otherwise instructed... the Company.
6. ... the services performed... the Agent... this Agreement the Company shall pay... accordance... the Sales Agency Rules commission... the rate specified... Attachment 2... this Agreement.
7. If the Company... any reason makes or allows a refund... the whole or part... the paid sum... the services, no commission shall be payable... the Agent... any... these refunded sums and the Agent shall reimburse the Company... any commissions which shall... fact have been paid... respect... any sum so refunded.
8. The Agent shall be responsible... maintaining the standards specified... time... time... the safe custody and care... Documents and... the security... premises.
9. Documents deposited... the Company are and remain the sole property... the Company whilst they are... custody... the Agent … duly issued and delivered pursuant... a transaction... this Agreement.
10. The Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Agent... liability... any injury, loss or damage arising... the course... providing services... exception... the extent that such injury, loss or damage is caused or contributed...... the Agent.
11. The Agent agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company... all damage, expense or loss... account... the misuse, loss, robbery, theft, burglary or fraudulent issue... Documents provided that notwithstanding the above, the Agent is bound... minimum security standards... the safe custody... Documents.
12. If any matter is reviewed... Arbitration pursuant... the Sales Agency Rules, the Agent hereby submits... arbitration... accordance... such Rules and agrees to observe the procedures therein provided and to abide... any arbitration award made hereunder.
13. All controversy … the parties originating... or connected... this Agreement should be settled... direct negotiations.
14. This Agreement may be terminated or temporarily suspended... any time... notice... writing... either... the other party.
15. Such notice shall take effect immediately... its receipt, or as provided therein and subject... the fulfilment... each party... all obligations accrued prior... the receipt... such notice.

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