Reporting verbs
There are numerous reporting verbs, which report the words of others, or our own words or thoughts. The main reporting verbs are "say" and "tell". A "say" and "tell" with direct speech "say" can introduce a statement or follow it: Tom said: "I' ve just heard the news" or "I' ve just heard the news", Tom said. Inversion of "say" and noun subject is possible when "say" follows the statement: "I've just heard the news", said Tom. "say" + to + person adressed is possible, but this phrase must follow the direct statement; it cannot introduce it: "I'm leaving at once", Tom said to me. Inversion is not possible here. "tell" requires the person adressed: Tell me. He told us. I'll tell Tom. except with "tell lies / stories / the truth / the difference", when the person adressed need not be mentioned: He told (me) lies. I'll tell (you) a story. "tell" used with direct speech must be placed after the direct statement: "I'm leaving at once", Tom told me. Inversion is not possible with "tell" B "say" and "tell" with indirect speech Indirect statements are normally introduced by "say" or "tell" + object. "say" + to + object is possible but much less usual than "tell" + object: He said he had just heard the news. He told me that he had just heard the news. Note also "tell" … how / about: He told us how he had crossed the mountains. He told us about crossing the mountains. He told us about his journeys. Other reporting verbs may be: C Verb + Object + Infinitive She asked me to come. Other verbs with the same pattern are: advise, beg, encourage, invite, order, persuade; remind, warn D Verb (+ that) + Clause She says (that) she doesn't want to speak to you. Other verbs with the same pattern are: say, claim, admit, explain, promise E Verb + Object (+ that) + Clause He told us (that) he worked for a big international company. Other verbs of the same pattern are: remind, warn. F Verb + Gerund He admitted lying to the teacher. Other verbs with the same pattern are: admit, deny, recommend, suggest. Note: verbs in groups D, E, F can also be used with "that" + clause He admitted that he had lied. G Verb + Preposition + Gerund She apologized for being so rude. She discrouraged me from taking up smoking. Other verbs with the same pattern are: accuse of, apologize for, blame for, congratulate on, discourage from, insist on. H Verb + Infinitive We agreed to meet again in September. Other verbs with the same pattern are: agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse, threaten. I Verbs which can be impersonal with "it" The speaker may not want to take personal responsibility for a statement, or may be reporting the views of a group of people. These verbs can be used in the passive, introduced by "it". It has been agreed to close most of the coal mines. agree decide imply rumour announce estimate know say believe expect predict state claim fear reckon suggest confirm feel recommend suppose consider hope report think