Упражнение 42
А. Проанализируйте предложения, укажите в них количество ядер и способ соединения простых предложений в сложно-сочинённые (сочинительный союз или бессоюзно). Б. Переведите предложения. 1. The matrix of elastic cartilage contains a dense network of fine elastic fibers; this 2. After absorption, glucose can be used immediately by the cells for energy or it 3. Some skin wounds, such as burns, involve large areas of the body surface, and 4. Normally, the volume, pressure, and composition of the cerebrospinal fluid remain 5. The organ of hearing is the spiral organ of Corti, and it is contained within the 6. Mast cells are present in large numbers throughout the connective tissue in the 7. All body cells must be constantly supplied with oxygen and nutrients, and the 8. The heart is supplied by the autonomic nervous system, but these nerves serve to 9. Stimulation of the expiratory center causes inhibition of the inspiratory center
10. In general, starches and sugars must be broken down to simple compounds 11. Chronic nephritis may follow a case of acute nephritis immediately or it may 12. Most of the body's metabolic processes produce acids as their end products, but РАЗДЕЛ 9 Сложно-подчинённые предложения