VOCABULARY EXERCISES. I. Give the corresponding nouns to the following verbs
I. Give the corresponding nouns to the following verbs: to produce, to distribute, to grow, to populate, to enjoy, to satisfy, to vary, to immigrate, to require, to educate, to construct, to distinguish, to manufacture, to determine, to create, to equip, to combine. II. Match the synonyms: to produce, to distribute, scarce, to influence, to manufacture, to impact, revenue, production, to deal out, to provide, deficient, manufacturing, to satisfy, wages, to supply, salary, to meet, income. III. Find equivalents:
IV. Match the antonyms: natural, fertile fields, unlimited resources, indefinitely, limited resources, inside, artificial, production, immigration, inability, to destroy, unemployment, definitely, ability, to create, employment, to satisfy, emmigration, consumption, income, deserts, outside, scarcity, to dissatisfy, abundance, expenses. V. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary: 1. Natural resources are not created... human efforts. 2. They are the things provided... nature that go... the creation... goods and services. VI. Complete the following sentences: 1. The reason people cannot satisfy all their wants and needs is.... 2. Factors of production are called.... 3. They provide.... 4. As an economic term land means.... 5. Land is not only land itself.... 6. It includes.... 7. The second factor of production is.... 8. Unlike land, labour is.... 9. Historically, factors such as.... 10. Labour may be.... 11. The price paid for the use of labour is called.... 12. Wages represent.... 13. Land and labour are often called.... VII. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the reason people cannot satisfy all their wants and needs? VIII. Translate into English: 1. Є чотири фактори виробництва: земля, праця, капiтал і підприємництво. 2. Як економiчний термiн земля означає дари природи або природнi ресурси, не створенi людськими зусиллями. 3. Вона включає родючi поля, лiси, пустелi, кориснi копалини, сонячне свiтло, опади та клiмат, необхiдний для вирощування культур. 4. Праця — це люди зі своїми здiбностями та зусиллями, необхiдними для виробництва товарiв та послуг. 5. Iсторично такi фактори, як зростання кількості населення, iмiграцiя, голод, вiйни та хвороби мали вирiшальний вплив як на кiлькiсть, так i на якicть працi. 6. Землю і працю часто називають первинними факторами виробництва.