How do we call an ill person in one word? (tptaien) - -a person who treats patients? (dctroo) - a person in hospital who looks after patients? (nruse) –
10. Learn the translation of 2 word-combinations: - to follow all doctor’s directions - виконувати всі інструкції лікаря - to recover (from) - одужати
If you follow all doctor’s directions you usually recover from your illness quickly. - How long do you recover from a cold? from an earache? from flu? 11. What doctors do you know beginning with ”s”,”th”,”p”,”d”,”oc”,”n”,”oto”? - Recollect as many words ending in … ”ache” as you can. - Name the word-combinations with word … ”doctor” 12. Give synonyms to the following words or phrases using the new vocabulary: 1. to cure a patient for … - 2. to see a doctor - 3. otolaryngologist - 4. children’s doctor - 5. disease - 6. throat that aches - 7. to turn ill - 8. to feel unwell - 9. to phone a doctor - 10. to agree about - definite date and time of visiting a doctor - 11. a place where people - are treated for illnesses 12. a doctor who operates people - 13. a pain in a tooth - 14. to do all things the doctor advised you to do - 15. to get absolutely well - 16. a person who is treated by a doctor - 17. a person who treats people - 18. science or some thing helping to prevent or to cure illnesses - 19. a perfect condition of the body and the mind -
13. Translate these words and word-combinations into English. Learn them to be ready for word-dictation: 1)лікарня 2)почуватися хворим 3)застудитися 4)головний біль 5)біль у спині 6)зубний біль 7)біль у шлунку 8)біль у вусі 9)здоров’я 10)лор 11)ліки; медицина 12)медсестра 13)записатися на прийом до окуліста 14) хірург 15) викликати лікаря 16) звернутися до терапевта 17) дантист 18) педіатр 19)невропатолог 20)пацієнт 21) хворе горло 22)одужати (від) 23)виконувати всі інструкції лікаря 24)гострий, раптовий біль