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Vocabulary Notes.

  picturesque [ `piktòərəs ] мальовничий
  bank [ bæŋk ] берег
  wide [`waid ] широкий
  straight [`streit ] прямий
  multistoreyed [`mLlti`storid ] багатоповерховий
  to admire [ əd`maiə ] захоплюватися
  chestnut tree [`tòesnLt`tri: ] каштан
  to attract [ ə`trækt ] приваблювати
  St.Sophia’s Cathedral [`seint sou`faiəz kə`qidrəl ] Софієвський Собор
  the Golden Gate [`gouldn`geit ] Золоті Ворота
  performance [ pə`fo:məns ] вистава
  underground [ Lndə`graund ] метро
  furniture [`fə:nitòə ] меблі
  entertainment centre [ əntə`teinmənt`sentòə ] розважальний центр


2. Read the text, find the sentences where the new vocabulary is used and translate them into your mother tongue:

Kyiv is the capital of the independent state Ukraine. It is the largest city in our country. The population of Kyiv is more than 3 million people.The Ukrainian capital is one of the largest and oldest cities in Europe. It is more than 1500 years old. It is called “the Mother of all Russian Cities.” The area of Kyiv is 790 square kilometers. Kyiv is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper. It is famous for its beauty all over the world. Khreshchatyk is the main street in Kyiv. It’s a wide, straight, modern street with multistoreyed buildings, hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops. A lot of people go to Khreshchatyk every day. Some of them go to the cinema or theatre; others go shopping, admire the fountains or sit on the benches. The main street of Kyiv is very nice and green. There are a lot of chestnut trees, flowers, parks and gardens. Kyiv attracts numerous guests and tourists from all the corners of the world. There are many places of historic interest in Kyiv. They are Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, the St.Sophia’s Cathedral, the Golden Gate, the monuments to Prince Volodymyr, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Shevchenko, Hrushevsky. Our capital is also a city of wonderful museums, such as the Museum of Ukrainian Decorative Art, the Museum of Books and Printing, the Ukrainian Museum of Historical Treasures, the State Historical Museum, numerous picture galleries and so on. Kyiv is famous for its theatres too. Taras Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesia Ukrainka Drama Theatre are known for their brilliant performances and talented actors. Kyiv is the centre of education and science. Thousands of students study at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv National University, many other universities, institutes, colleges, technical schools. There are many scientific institutes, experimental laboratories in Kyiv. Kyiv is a large transport centre of Ukraine. There are two airports, a river port, many bus stations, a big railwaystation and a new underground with shops, cafes, entertainment centres. Besides, Kyiv has always been an important industrial centre of our country. River boats, furniture, chemicals, cameras, planes, computers and other goods are made in Kyiv. As Kyiv is the capital it’s natural that it is the main political centre of Ukraine. It’s the place of holding international negotiations, meetings, conferences and congresses. We all like our capital very much.


3. Answer the questions:

1. What’s the capital of Ukraine?

2. What’s the area and population of Kyiv?

3. How is Kyiv called and why?

4. Kyiv is famous for its beauty, isn’t it?

5. What is the main street of Kyiv?

6. Why does Kyiv attract a lot of guests and tourists?

7. Is Kyiv famous for its theatres?

8. Why is Kyiv a centre of education and science?

9. Is Kyiv a political center? Why?

10. Have you ever been to Kyiv?

11. Do you like the capital of Ukraine?

12. Would you like to live or study in Kyiv?


4. Prove that:

1. Kyiv is a city.

2. Kyiv is a beautiful city.

3. Kyiv is an old city.

4. Kyiv is a cultural centre of Ukraine.

5. Kyiv is an industrial centre.

6. Kyiv is a political centre.

7. Kyiv is a transport city.

8. Kyiv is an educational and scientific centre.


5. Match the words in columns to make up word-combinations:

the oldest kilometre

main tree

square institute

chestnut city

scientific street

go fountains

independent banks

picturesque state

admire shopping

attract Cathedral

Prince tourists

St.Sophia’s galleries

picture Volodymyr

the Golden station

railway laboratory

experimental Gate

international port

river negotiations


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