Read and translate the text using vocabulary notes.
The geographical position of Ukraine is ideal for the development of its natural resources. Ukraine has many industrial raw materials: iron, steel, coal, different ores. The country has metallurgical and heavy industries. Service makes about 46% of Ukrainian economy, industry - 33% and agriculture - 21%. Ukraine is an agricultural country. It has got a fertile soil for growing cotton, hop, flax, ray, sugar beet, potato, other vegetables and fruit. There are 3 main economic areas: Southwestern, Donets-Dnieper and Southern. The Southwestern Economic Area has a developed sugar industry, deposits of metals, fuel, minerals and wood. It produces trams, buses and cameras. In the Donets-Dnieper Economic Area there are rich mineral deposits and many power stations. It’s the base of the heavy industry. The Southern Economic Area, which is near the sea, includes shipbuilding, producing industrial machines, making grape wines, canned fruits and vegetables.
3. Answer the questions: 1. Are there any natural resources in Ukraine? 2. What industries are most developed in Ukraine? 3. How many per cent of Ukrainian industry does agriculture make? 4. What kind of soil has Ukraine got? 5. What is grown in Ukraine? 6. What is the Southwestern Economic Area famous for? 7. What is the Donets-Dnieper Economic Area rich in? 8. What does the Southern Economic Area include?
4. Translate into English: 1. Україна має багато природних ресурсів. 2. Залізо, вугілля, сталь, руди - промислова сировина України. 3. Україна - сільськогосподарська країна. 4. Південно-західна економічна зона виробляє трамваї, автобуси, фотоапарати та ін. 5. Сфера обслуговування складає близько 46% економіки України. 6. Паливо, деревина та мінерали знаходяться у Південно-західній економічній зоні. 7. Родючий грунт України добрий для вирощування бавовна, жита, льону, цукрового буряка, картоплі, хмелю, різних фруктів.