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Read the text. There are many big cities in Ukraine: Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Donetsk, Lviv, Mykolaiiv and others

There are many big cities in Ukraine: Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Donetsk, Lviv, Mykolaiiv and others. Kharkiv is the second Ukrainian city in size and population. 2 million people live there. The city was founded in the 17th century. Kharkiv is famous for two important facts: it is one of the greatest industrial centres with very many big and small enterprises. Besides, Kharkiv is the city of students. There are more than 20 higher educational institutes in it and several dozens of professional technical schools. They say that a quarter of Kharkiv’s population are students. There are very many factories and plants in Kharkiv, especially famous for the production of various tools and machines. But the biggest of them are the tractor-producing plant and the tube-rolling plant. More than 300 thousand people work only on these plants. Odessa is very different from Kharkiv. It is the famous resort city on the Black Sea coast, founded by French duke. Odessa was always an international city. Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Moldovians, Greek, Armenians, Turks and other people live there. Odessa is not very old, but it is very beautiful. The central part of the city with its Deribasivska Street and Prymorskyi Boulevard are famous places for rest. Other famous places in Odessa are the ports of course with Potiomkin Staircase and beautiful big Beaches. There are a lot of sanatoriums, tourist camps and holiday homes all along the coast. But now resort business in Odessa is in danger because of the pollution of the Black Sea. It’s a pity that we can lose such a good opportunity to have a rest and improve our health. Donetsk is the capital of Ukrainian coal-mining. It is a great industrial centre with the population of more than 1 million people. There are many mines and industrial enterprises in this city that is why the people who live in Donetsk take care of their city. There are many big parks there and a lot of flowers. Two million roses grow in Donetsk and central streets and squares look very beautiful in summer. Donetsk is a young city, it was founded about 130 years ago, but it is a big centre of culture and science. Scientific centres, higher educational institutions prepare thousands of specialists for industrial enterprises of this city. Lviv is the biggest city in Western Ukraine. It’s an old Slav city, founded in the middle of the 13th century by the duke Danylo Galytskyi. Lviv is famous for its interesting history and rich cultural traditions. Many outstanding people lived and worked here. Among them are the great Ukrainian writer, scholar and philosopher Ivan Franko, the founder of Ukrainian classical music Mykola Lysenko, an outstanding singer Sophia Krushelnytska and many others. There are several theatres and many museums in Lviv, and the central part of the city with its memorial places is one big historical and architectural museum. As you see there are many interesting and beautiful cities in Ukraine.

3. Complete the sentences:

1. The population of Donetsk is … 2. Kharkiv is the second … 3. Kharkiv is called the city of … 4. Odessa is an international city because … 5. ……. was founded in the 17th century. 6. Lviv was founded in the … 6. … is the famous resort city. 7. Most famous places for rest in Odessa are … and …. 8. The biggest city in Western Ukraine is … 9. A lot of scientific centres and higher educational institutions prepare … 10. Many outstanding people lived and worked in …


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 640. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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