Тщательным образом.
Настоящая Книга регистрации по ее окончании предоставляется экзаменационной комиссии*, а также она может быть представлена инструкторам в морских учебных заведениях для использования ее в учебных целях. Книгу следует отдать для ознакомления капитану или старшему механику судна, где работает практикант, а также лицам комсостава, под чьим руководством идет подготовка практиканта, и судовой компании.
См. сноску на следующей странице внизу.
For the Attention of Masters, Chief Engineers, Еlectro-technical officers, Designated Training Officers and Cadets
Object of the Record Book
Sea experience is a requirement for certification of officers in charge of watch keeping in the engine room or for acquirement of an electrical engineer competence. The minimum duration of sea experience will depend upon the requirements of the Administration for recognised training schemes but, in any case, it will be not less than six months in the engine department under the supervision of a qualified and certificated engineer officer. The purpose of this Record Book is to help ensure that cadets follow a structured programme of practical training and make the best use of their time at sea. In so doing they will gain the practical training and experience necessary to become competent officers in charge of an engineering watch in accordance with the STCW Convention as amended in 1995. It is therefore important that the following guidance is carefully followed. Given that this Training Record Book will be submitted to government appointed examiners* (and may also be made available to instructors at maritime training colleges) proper use and completion of this Record Book is essential. It should be subject to close scrutiny by the masters and/or chief engineers of the ships on which the cadet serves, by the cadet's designated on board training officers and the shipping company.