Bibliography. Bibliographylists the sources of information used in the course of work on the research project
Bibliography lists the sources of information used in the course of work on the research project. The items which constitute each section of the Bibliography should be listed in alphabetical order. In order to correspond to the structure of the project, the first section usually comprises the secondary sources showing theoretical backgrounds, then follow the primary, tertiary and electronic sources. 1. Primary Sources: primary materials where a researcher finds his empirical evidence (documentary materials). 2. Secondary Sources: books and articles that other researchers have written about your topic: 1. Lukszyn J., Zmarzer W., 2001, Teoretyczne podstawy termonologii, Waszawa. 3. Tertiary Sources: encyclopaedias, dictionaries and popularized works: 4. Electronic Sources: 1. 2. Tasks Task 1. Identify a sample object and a sample subject of research in relation to terminology; in translation studies; in grammar studies. Task 2. State a sample aim of research in terminology; in translation studies; in grammar studies. Task 3. Formulate a sample claim of research in terminology; in translation studies; in stylistics. Task 4. Describe the most traditional method of linguistic research. (from English 1 September: