Студопедия — Topic 45 Getting up early vs. staying up late. Some people prefer to get up early in the morning to start the day's work; while other people like to get up later in the day to work until late at night
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Topic 45 Getting up early vs. staying up late. Some people prefer to get up early in the morning to start the day's work; while other people like to get up later in the day to work until late at night

Some people prefer to get up early in the morning to start the day's work; while other people like to get up later in the day to work until late at night. Which option do you prefer? I would choose to get up early in the morning. This view is based on the following reasons.

There is no better way to start off your day than to wake early. looking rumpled (помятый) and barely awake, grumpy – раздражительный

By getting up early in the morning you can enjoy a lot of good things that the nature offers. You can breath fresh air, smell aroma of flowers, listen the birds singing in the morning. What a beautiful world! In the meantime, these can refresh our brains and quickly get ready for the day's work. We can immediately concentrate on the work, and solve the problems with great efficiency. For example, when I was in senior middle school, I got up early in the morning everyday to go over my lessons and prepare for the courses that I would have that day. I found it was so efficient and I memorized my study material so deeply. On the contrary, people who get up late and go to bed late tend to leave all the day's work to the night, and tend to go to bed until the finish the day's work. This is not a good living habit and also not an efficiently way of working.

Quietude (тишина). No kids yelling (кричащих), no babies crying, no soccer balls, no cars, no television noise.


Another reason why I would like to get up early to start a day's work is because I believe that it is good for our health. The body's cycle follows the nature: when the sun rises, it is time to get up; when the moon rises, it is time to go to bed. Besides, by getting up early we can have time to do some exercises such as jogging, hiking (Пешие прогулки) and swimming, which will benefit our health. Many statistics show that most people who live a long life get up early and go to bed early. While getting up late and go to bed late violates human biology and therefore will do harm to the health. And people who get up late never got a chance to do morning exercises.


It’s much easier to make those early appointments on time if you get up early. Allow yourself to sleep earlier. Have a good reason.


In a word (Одним словом), getting up early in the morning to start a day's work is a smart choice for people; it can benefit both people's work and health.

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