Студопедия — Topic 46 Important qualities of a good son or daughter
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Topic 46 Important qualities of a good son or daughter

Both sons and daughter are a blessing for the parents. It is a fact that the strongest and the most sincere love exists in the relation of the parents and their children.


No child is born good or bad, it is the qualities he adopts with the passage of time (с течением времени) that make him stand good or bad. A good son or a good daughter would be obedient (послушный) to his parents. It is a religious obligation, a social norm and an indication of refined behaviors (благородного поведения) and a peaceful family set up (созданная) for the children to be obedient to their parents.


Such a son or daughter would be dutiful (покорный, почтительный). He would know his duties as regards (что касается) his parents and would always try to fulfill those in time. In the age when a son or daughter can earn; they would earn and instead of taking money from their parents they will try to give them money. This will make them feel proud and think that they are getting back for what they had spent on their children.

I knew she would be asked at once. – Я знал, что ее сразу же спросят.

Not only this good son or a good daughter would be caring towards (заботиться) his/her parents. It is a fact that as children grow to their youth, parents start their journey of old age. And in the old age they demand as much care and attention as children need when they are very young. It is obligatory for the children to remain caring, dutiful and pleasant (обходительный, приятный) to their parents and make them feel (чтобы они чувствовали себя) as part of family. It is often seen that children start feeling that their parents in the old age are no more than a burden (обуза). This is a very wrong attitude and in my religion this is strongly condemned (сильно осуждается). Instead it is advised that when in the old age, parents should be taken care of by the children as children were taken care of in their early age.

She told me you would invite friends to this cafe. – Она сказала, что ты пригласишь друзей в кафе.

A good son or daughter would look after all the needs of his / her parents. And by no action of his/her will make them feel as if he/she are fed up (сытый по горло) of them. Also they will be respectful to their parents and would always give thought to their suggestions and would always try to act upon those. Since the advices given by the parents are the result of their experiences which children in their arrogance often ignore. They should think that there is no alternate to the experience and parents would never give a bad opinion to their children.


It is a pity that with the passage of time the children don't give the parents their due rights nor do they look after them in the right manner. This situation has resulted in the formation of many old houses where old parents are trying to pass (провести) the remaining days of their lives, they can not enjoys the joys of their children because their children don't want to keep them with because of their busy schedules.


Islam lays a great importance on the respect of parents. Islam says that Heaven lies under the feet of one's mother. Like wise there is a great status of father in ISlam too and one is asked to act upon the advices of their parents always unless they order him to change his religion.

to look at smth. in perspective — смотреть на что-л. в перспективе

In our culture too, we see that with the passage of time the children have developed the habits of not obeying their parents. This has with the passage of time played a vital role in weakening the family bonds.

from a perspective — с точки зрения

The unit of any society is a home in the very basic perspective (точка зрения). When the basics would not be strong how can the building be strong which is developed on those basics. This is the very same situation in modern societies, the family bonds are not that strong as they used to be resulting in the weakness in the society as a whole and a frustrated youth which can not play its part productively towards national growth.

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