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Topic 65 Should a city preserve or destroy its historic buildings?

Whether the city should try to preserve its old, historic building or destroy them?

I believe that different people will have different opinions. According to my

experiences, I think that we should preserve these old, historic buildings. I like

to use following reasons to explain why I think so.


The first and important reason is that every old building represents an important

piece of history. Undoubtedly, they can reflect contemporary culture, custom

and life style, etc. For example, the former Imperial Palace in China, where

ancient emperors have ever stayed, has had a longstanding history as long as

over 2,000 years. Through it, we not only can remember many famous

historical events, but can also know that ancient people have grasped very

advanced architecture techniques and methods.


I believe if we demolish these valuable buildings, we will destroy a significant

piece of history. More seriously, we will not be able to rebuild them. What

people need is not the duplication or copy. In many old cities, there are some

old houses at where there were many important meetings hold. When we

visited old sites, we seemed to go back to that turbulent and exciting time - as if

we can hear what those important historic characters were talking.


I admit that some old buildings have become a bit dilapidated and unsightly,

and have not generated any revenue. But if we can refurbish them, I believe

that they could start to attract visitors again. From what has been discussed

above, I can safely draw the conclusion that we should preserver these historic



I admit - Я допускаю



Topic 65 Should a city preserve or destroy its historic buildings?

Every culture has its special features. Buildings, as symbol of architectural

heritage, are an important part of the history of any country or city. Moreover,

they could help us find the answers of many questions about the historical

development of our society. Therefore, I truly believe that every cityadministration

should try to preserve the old, historic buildings.


All over the world many buildings are preserved in their authentic appearances.

Furthermore, many of them have unique constructions and are really beautiful

and impressive. In my opinion, the destruction of such remarkable pieces of

architecture and their replacement with modern buildings can be called

'barbarity'. Therefore, a lot of old buildings belonging to the historical heritage

of the world are protected by UNESCO.


It is a fact that cities, which have their old, historic buildings, are favorite

places for holiday and tourism. The reason is that these cities keep their special

atmosphere and could offer us a magnificent journey through their cultural and

architectural history.


The only reasonable argument to destroy some historic buildings and replace

them with modern ones, is when there is a risk of self-destruction, which could

endanger human lives. But again the safety standard can be achieved by

renovation or restoration of old buildings.


In conclusion I would say that preserving old, historic buildings could be

considered as a sign of our respect and regard to the previous generations. I am

aware that it is an expensive initiative. But who can evaluate the worth the

historic buildings have, for those who will come after us. And I would dare to

ask - who gives us the right to destroy what the centuries have kept for us? And

I would answer "Nobody"


Topic 66 Are classmates a more important influence to a child?

I strongly agree that classmates are more influential to a child's success at

school than parents. This I support with the following reasons.


A child spends so much time with his classmates at school. They study together,

play together, and write exams together. Psychologists agree that during their

first years at school, children are more influenced by their classmates on their

emotional and mental growth.


In addition, a child has nothing to hide with his classmates in terms of

academic performance. For instance, a child who does a bad job in a math

exam will be revealed on his grades; a child who wins the first prize in oral

debate contest will be rewarded before the whole group of students. So his

classmates know both his good and bad sides. However, It is easier for a child

to conceal something to his parents while describing his conduct at schooloften

limit to those good points.


Finally, classmates are of similar age with a child. They share so many interests

in common. So a child is more attracted by his classmates' activities. If he is in

a group of children who are interested in creative activities, he will more likely

to think of inventing something. So classmates are very helpful in a child's

success at school.


From the above discussed, I agree that classmates will influence a child more in

his success because they spend more time together, they understand him better

than his parents, and they have so much common interests together.


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