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Topic 92 One-season or four-season climate

The South of Spain or the South of Antarctica? The Northern United States of the Northern Maldives? Where we live - the climate that surrounds us - has a tremendous effect on how we live our lives. In many cases, our emotional wellbeing depends on the climate we live in. Even more important than the general climate is the change in climate. I strongly believe that a four-season climate is better for us psychologically and physically. For this reason, I prefer to live somewhere where the weather changes several times a year.


The important visitors were whisked through customs. — Важных гостей быстро пропустили через таможню.


There are great psychological benefits of living in a varied climate. Take my hometown, Cleveland, Ohio, for example. Winter in Cleveland can be quite depressing. The sky is often gray and snow and wet rain dominates the weather forecast. It's not all bad, though. This is a great time to do snow skiing (лыжный спорт), sled riding (кататься на санках) and enjoy a cold weekend afternoon in front of the fire. While the outside elements can sometimes bring you down, most Clevelanders would tell you they prefer a snowy winter and a white Christmas. It's what makes the holiday season more special. Even more is the excitement when we see the first glimpse (проблеск) of springtime-the daffodils start to spring up (нарциссы начинают возникать, произрастать) and the days become warmer. This time often coincides (совпадать) with Easter. What would Easter be without a soggy egg-hunt in the back year? Then, of course, there are the progressions from spring to summer and summer to winter. The long summer days do something for our spirits-late nights on the porch (крыльцо, подход, подъезд) watching the fire flies at dusk (в сумраке) make us all feel a little bit younger. The warm days and cool nights of autumn are not far behind, either. Those Indian Summers, as we call them, are reminders (напоминают) of how the seasons have whisked by us in a fury (бешенство, ярость).


They were whisked into the hotel. — Их быстро отправили в гостиницу.


In addition to the psychological effects of weather change, we also experience a great physical benefit. Winter weather brings many outdoor sports in Cleveland like ice skating, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing and much more. The first signs of spring get us out the door hitting the pavement to shed (избавляться) our winter weight gain. And summer? What a beautiful time in northeast Ohio as we venture (отважиться, решиться; осмелиться) to the metro parks for long walks, to Lake Erie for a dip (окунуться) her warm waters, to the garden where we tend to our flowers and foliage (fəulɪɪdʒ листва; листья). Autumn serves as a reminder that those warm days are slipping away (теплые дни уходят). What better physical benefit than raking leaves (чем сгребать листья), mowing the lawn (стрижка газона) for the last few times before winter and preparing the house for the cold weather?


For me, nothing beats the traditional four seasons - На мой взгляд, ничто не сравнится с традиционными четыре сезона

It has shaped the way I view each holiday respectively - Он сформировался как я просмотра каждого праздника соответственно

It has carried many fond memories of an active youth - Это принесло много тёплых воспоминаний об активной юности.

I venture to suggest that your whole idea is unworkable. — Позволю себе заметить, что ваш план неосуществим.

The cereal helps shed superfluous (sju:pə:fluəs избыточный) weight and also prevents a range (ц. ряд) of lifestyle disorders (нарушения в организме).


Some people prefer places like Florida where it's hot and hotter. I suppose it means a smaller (?small) wardrobe and a more predictable lifestyle. For me, nothing beats the traditional four seasons I experienced growing up. It has shaped the way I view each holiday respectively. It has carried many fond memories of an active youth. Now that I live in a country with very little weather changes, I long for (желать, ~жду) a White Christmas (Рождество), a wet Easter (Пасха), a hot (горячую) yet breezy (свежий, ~свежесть) 4th of July, and a crisp yellow and orange Halloween (свежий желто-оранжевый Хэллоуин).


I suppose it means a small wardrobe and a more predictable lifestyle - Я полагаю, это означает небольшой шкаф и более предсказуемую жизнь


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 476. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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