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Topic 90 What famous entertainer or athlete you would like to meet?

If I have the opportunity to meet a famous entertainer or athlete, I would like to

meet Michael Jordan.


Jordan was neither tall nor strong in his childhood, but he never gave up

playing basketball. He has huge success today as a legendary guy in the

basketball history, and is a god for all the basketball fans all around the world. I

think the reason of his success is because his diligence, courage and his strong

inner desire to win. All these are what I admire most of him.


Jordan won six championships of NBA. That was the heydays of Jordan. Six

rings! That is every NBA player's dream. Someone spent many years in order

to get a ring but failed, like Carl Malone, and King Baylor. Jordan got six! His

last ring was won by his exciting shoot, which was once considered the last and

perfect moment in his life and a best end for his history of playing basketball.


Jordan's name was linked with "perfect" when people mentioned Jordan. A

great deal of courage is needed for one to break off the word "perfect" which he

used years to establish, but Jordan did it. He came back again, not as a god, but

as a common basketball player. He was no longer young and could not act has

what he did when his young. There are even some fans that opposed him to

come back; they did not want to see their god beaten by the youth. In the

opposite, Jordan did quite well, though not as good as before, but better than

what we all imagined. He, a nearly forty-year-old man with two injured knees,

led Wizards get much better marks than it did last year. He could still

sometimes score more than forty points. What support him is the steadfast

belief he had and the strong love of basketball. This gave him the unbelievable



If I saw him, I wanted to ask him how he managed to gain the desire and where

does this love come from, maybe Jordan would just give me a smile and say, "I

love this game!"


Topic 90 What famous entertainer or athlete you would like to meet?

Everyone dreams to be handsome, rich and happy. Famous actors and actresses,

pop stars or athletes are so popular because they realized the dreams many

ordinary people have. If I could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, this

person will be Julia Roberts.


Julia Roberts is a very talented actress. She can play many characters and each

one is new and different. She seems to become the person she is portraying and

gives a 100% to the performance. Pretty Women is my favorite because it was

the first Julia movie that I saw and it was her big break. I still watch the movie

to this day and enjoy it. Steel Magnolias is 2nd. Julia was in the company of a

very talented cast and held her own. It's a classic, something you always enjoy



I loved Notting Hill because the movie was full of many emotions. It made you

feel happy after seeing it. I enjoy all of her movies. I see them even if the critics

dish the movie. If she is in a movie I know her performance will be worth

seeing. Her Oscar was very worthy of her as she was of it. Her Oscar was a

long time coming. I am sure we can all look forward to many more great films

to come and her always Oscar winning performance. Julia Roberts is not only

beautiful, but she executes the characters she plays so well, that she can almost

bring us to tears almost.


If I had a chance to meet Julia, I would also thank her for always thinking of

the poor and the needed. After the disaster in New York and Pennsylvania, her

face looked the sincerest of all of the stars. Also, I heard on the news that Julia

gave $2 million as a tribute. Recently, you pleaded at US congress for money

on a children's disease. Thank Julia for helping with such a kind heart

especially during a time when so many have lost so much! I know that they

appreciate your support and thoughtfulness, Julia.


Such is Julia Roberts, a pretty woman and America's sweet heart, and she is the

star that I definitely want to meet the most.


Topic 90 What famous entertainer or athlete you would like to meet?

Many people dream to meet a famous entertainer or athlete. If I could meet

such a person I would like that it be Bulgarian entertainer Slavi Trifonov, who

presents evening show, " Slavi's show" on BTV channel, because of the



First of all it would be interesting for me to meet the man, who had very big

influence over the audience. Resent sociological researches show that more

than two million people (the population of Bulgaria is around seven million

people) watch his show every evening. Furthermore you could hear discussions

about his show or jokes, which he told during the show, almost everywhere, in

a public transportation, on a street or even at work.


The second reason for which I would like to meet Slavi Trifonov is that in my

opinion he is very brave man. He does not afraid to ridicule those Bulgarian

politicians, who abuse their power for personal purposes, despite of personal

threats, which he received several times. For example, a few months ago, he

received a threat for making a hidden camera for a member of Bulgarian

Parliament who did not want to pay a penalty for parking on an inappropriate

place and who also offended a policeman.


Last but not least, I would like to meet Slavi Trifonov, because he took in the

past a leading role as one of the organizers of throwing down Gan Videnov's

socialist government. Some days after the show "KU-KU" (in which he

participated at that time and presented his political jokes and songs) was

watched, the students' demonstrations against poverty, unemployment and high

inflation rate began. Thanks to that the government resigned and new elections

started a few months later.


To sum up, I would like to meet the famous Bulgarian entertainer Slavi

Trifonov, because he has a big influence over many Bulgarians, he is very

brave and he was the organizer of an important historic event in modern history

of my country.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 670. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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