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Vocabulary Development



Learning objectives By the end of the unit you will be able to: · speak on factors of production · discuss the issues to be solved when organising a manufacturing process · discuss site selection as related to the production facility · describe companies’ sales and spending on R&D · write about reasons for deviations from scheduled production

Vocabulary Development

1. Match up the words in two columns to make collocations:

1) human 2) lead 3) manufacturing 4) operations 5) raw 6) research 7) minimum 8) product 9) finished a) companies b) laboratories c) management d) materials e) reliability f) resources g) time h) products i) cost

2. Match up the verbs on the left and the nouns on the right:

1) do 2) make 3) forecast 4) hire/recruit 5) purchase 6) raise 7) serve 8) utilise 9) perform 10) render 11) motivate a) capital b) customers c) a plant d) a product e) sales f) staff g) equipment h) personnel i) functions j) market research k) services

3. Make up ten sentences to illustrate the usage of the collocations given above in 1 and 2.


4. Match up the words in two columns to make collocations.

1) capacity a) costs
2) unexpected b) cushion
3) additional c) demand
4) government d)agreements
5) labour e) flow
6) material e) discounts
7) quantity f) regulations
8) trade union g) skills

5. Match the verbs on the left with their definitions on the right.

1) obsolescence a) something that limits or controls what you can do
2) theft b) a stock or amount of something available for use
3) layout c) the state of becoming out of date
4) constraint d) able to change easily and adapt to different conditions and circumstances as they occur.
5) strike e) the action or crime of stealing
6) flexible f) a refusal to work organised by a body of employees as a form of protest for a period of time, usually in order to gain a concession from their employer and to try to get a better pay or conditions for themselves
7) supplies g) the way in which the parts of something are arranged

6. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the words given above in 4-5

1) … refer to food, equipment, and other essential things that people need, especially when these are provided in large quantities.

2) French air traffic controllers have begun a three-day … in a dispute over higher pay.

3) Because of the slump in domestic … for coal, the extraction went down and so did prices.

4) … of finished products from the warehouse was the part of organised crime.

5) Many stores specialising in household goods will offer bulk purchases at a ….

6) … of machinery is the state of being no longer needed because newer and more efficient equipment has been invented.

7) The decision to suspend payments was made because of financial … of the enterprise.

8) Changing the … of the ground floor is changing the way in which the parts of it are arranged.

9) Knowledge and abilities that enable you to do something well are known as ….



7. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

1) approach a) all the persons inhabiting a country, city, or other specified places
2) available b) a thing or an implement, such as a hammer, used to help perform a job; anything used as a means of performing an operation
3) tool c) discrepancy, variance; a difference in opinions, interests, etc.
4) precise d) a way or a means adopted of dealing with a situation or problem, etc
5) population e) the level top of something
6) divergency/divergence f) able to be used or obtained; at someone’s disposal; accessible
7) surface g) exact, accurate, and careful about details; strictly correct in amount or value


8. Match the verbs on the left with their synonyms on the right.

1) include a) concern, have to do (with); apply (to)
2) support b) farm
3) create c) comprise, contain, involve
4) assist d) establish, produce, set up build up, compose, design, invent
5) cultivate e) help, aid
6) combine f) encourage, stand by, back up
7) refer to g) unite, join

9. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the correct forms of the words given above in 7-8.

1) If you land or crops, you prepare land and grow crops on it.

2) Your to a task, problem, or situation is the way you deal with it or think about it.

3) Unfortunately, the annual rate of growth slowed down because of numerous infant deaths.

4) More than a week ago, last Monday to be , the Board of Directors made a decision on increasing the employees’ salaries.

5) Foreign Office officials the participants of the market solving transport and finance problems.

6) The Vice President of the country insisted that he the idea of a total ban on imported coal.

7) This overall figure reveals wide in economic development between the major industrial countries.

8) The main ethical question of all private businesses is how to freedom with responsibility.

9) The list of the world best companies many British multinationals.

10) According to the best information, the facts on the firm’s bankruptcy are rather contradictory.

11) We will be exploring different to gathering information concerning the financial situation of the company.

10. Choose an appropriate verb from the box to replace the italicised words in the sentences below.

reduce gain rely on
relieve of disrupt prevent from doing smth
tie up accomplish evaluate

1) Students of economics can acquire more valuable experience by working in large companies on holidays.

2) If we would all work together, I think we could achieve our goal to increase the output.

3) We have been able to diminish our expenditure by 10%.

4) A part-time bookkeeper will take away from you the burden of chasing unpaid invoices and paying bills.

5) The drought has severely disturbed the agricultural production in the region and the prices for grain rocketed.

6) I know we can trust you to sort out the issue of our fund which entirely depends on public donations.

7) We need to invest more money in our production if we want it to become profitable.

8) The current market situation is difficult to assess due to the severe economic crises all over the world.

9) The financial situation of the company impeded the company to create new jobs.

11. Complete the following collocations from the text.

1) production and operations
2) conformity with
3) … Management
4) lack of
5)… level
6) … warranty
7) dealing with
8)the supplier-producer-customer
9)continuous product
10) zero
11)... circles
12) task voluntary
13)… area
14) individualistic
15) giant
16)… developments


12. Complete the following collocations with the verbs from the text.

to identify … to eliminate …
to repair … to suggest …
to deal … to achieve …
to lose … to look for …
to exclude … to focus on …
to correct … to engage in …
to depend on … to install …

13 .Find in the text the English equivalents for the following.

14 .Make up ten sentences to illustrate the usage of the verbs and collocations given above in 1 – 3

15 .Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations in the text above.

Главный вопрос любой экономики; имеются в наличии необходимые ресурсы; в целях анализа; широкая классификация факторов производства; согласно классическому подходу; рабочие c полной и частичной занятостью; высоко образованная и хорошо обученная рабочая сила; поверхность земли; живые существа; производство товаров и создание услуг для потребителей; производственный процесс; начать дело; управлять/ руководить бизнесом; рекламировать и перевозить товары; физическое развитие страны; распределение товаров и услуг; научные и инновационные методы производства; широкие расхождения.

Широкое признание; производить необходимое количество в нужный срок; распространители и потребители; достичь цель; сократить отходы производства; сократить издержки; повысить стоимость (ценность); освобождать производителей от; выйти из употребления; параметры улучшения качества; быть чутким (отзывчивым) по отношению к своим потребителям; вкладывать капитал во что-л.; незанятые (бездействующие) рабочие; быть взаимозависимым; цепочка поставок (сеть поставщиков, канал поставок); уязвимый; непредвиденные остановки производства; широкая сеть субподрядчиков; долгосрочные отношения и взаимное доверие; катастрофы или другие непредвиденные события; разрыв в коммуникации; оценить все «за» и «против»; быть жизненно важным для успеха.


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