Critical thinking
1. Planning &Building a Factory by Network Analysis 1. Read the following list of activities that are required for the planning and building of a new factory. Notice that the time required to complete eachactivity is also given. Activities Time in weeks a) get planning agreement 5 b) get builders 2 c) get services (gas, water, etc.) 4 d) make roads and paths 3 e) build car park 2 f) get design drawings 3 g) paint factory 4 h) build factory 17 i) purchase land 5 j) plant gardens 3 k) negotiate for land 4 2. Place the eleven activities in an appropriate order of operations and complete this network analysis diagramme. 2. Think and discuss 1) ”One of the greatest industrial needs is R&D into better management techniques.” Do you agree? Why? 2) Do you think that all R&D should pay for itself in terms of better processes and improved products? Give your reasons. 3) When faced with new products in their markets, many companies put more money into their old products. Why do you think this happens? Why don’t they put money into new products?
Case 1. Work in small groups of three or four students. Study and discuss the case paying special attention to the questions below it. 2. Choose a spokesperson in the group to make a presentation to the whole class, summarising the opinions in the group and sharing your decisions of the issues with others. 3. Hold a Questions & Answers (Q&A) session.