I. a) Look through the abstract. One and the same word has been omitted. What is the word? ____ ……_has been called mass or non-personal selling………… is used to inform, persuade, and remind customers about particular products and services. And in some cases — like mail order — …………___ even closes the sale. Some products lend themselves to …………….___more than others. The examples may include cosmetics, cars and clothes. For products such as sugar, salt and other raw materials or commodities the importance of ……………………__is usually minimal, and price is usually the primary influence;
b) Stress the following words and practice their pronunciation Advertising, commercial, advert, advertiser, sponsorship, adman, advertise, coupon, endorsement, slogan.
II. Before you read the text answer the questions: 1. Are you influenced by any advert? What advert is it? 2. What makes a good advertisement? 3. Are advertising practices described below acceptable? —using children in advertisements —using nudity in advertisements — promoting alcohol on TV — comparing your products to your competitors’ products — an image flashed onto a screen very quickly so that people are influenced without noticing it — exploiting people's fears and worries 4. Is money spent on advertising wasted?
III. Read and memorize the words and word combinations: subliminal advertising – реклама, що діє на підсвідомість wares — goods sag — decrease persuasive —переконливий customarily = usualy public service — суспільна послуга convert = new customer unduly — занадто, надмірно pander —потурати vanity — марнославство announcement — заява, оголошення, повідомлення tangible - відчутний на дотик, матеріальнтй,реальний beautician — косметолог for the sake of simplicity — щоб не ускладнювати induce — to incourage, to persuade – спонукати, спричняти trial — проба target audience — цільова аудиторія action advertising - реклама, що має за мету здійснення продажу
IV. Text A Advertising It is easy to say, «I'm not influenced by adverts!» Everyone is influenced to a certain extent. There was recently some research on subliminal advertising. The word “coffee” was flashed onto the television screen. It happened so quickly that nobody was aware it had happened. For just a fraction of a second it registered on the viewer's subconscious. The result? A surprising number of people chose to make coffee at that precise moment. Of course, it could have been a coincidence but it was highly unlikely. Businesses need to advertise. If they did not advertise nobody would learn of the existence of their wares. In business they spend billions on advertising, because for the typical manufacturer advertising is a form of insurance. Through advertising it is possible to soak up the surplus goods which have been produced. As a demand for a product sag, it can be stimulated. Advertising is defined as the non-personal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods and services) or ideas by identified sponsors through various media. Let’s take this definition apart and analyze its component. Advertising is directed to groups of people, rather than to individuals, is therefore non-personal. The groups, for example, might be teenagers who enjoy rock music or older adults who attend cultural events. In either case, advertising to these groups is not personal or face-to-face communication. Direct-mail advertising often attempts to personalize the message by inserting the receiver's name one or more times in the letter. But direct mail is still non-personal; a computer inserted the name. And the signature on the direct-mail advertisement is produced electronically. Most advertising is paid for by sponsors. General Motors, Kmart,Coca-Cola, and the local supermarkets pay money to the media to carry the advertisements we read, hear, and see. But some ads are not paid for by their sponsors. The American Red Cross, United Way, and the American Cancer Society are only three of hundreds of organizations whosebmessages are customarily presented by the media at no charge as a p ublic service. Most advertising is intended to be persuasive — to win converts to a good, service, or idea. This is the area where advertising is often critisized. A company usually sponsors advertising to convince people its product will benefit them. Although it is illegal for advertisers to untrue statements about their goods, services or prices, they still make their wares seem unduly attractive. They pander to our egos and v anity. They create a demand which would not otherwise exist. Some ads, though, such as legal announcements, are intended merely to inform, not to persuade. In addition to promoting tangible goods such as suits, soap, and soft drinks, advertising also helps sell the intangible services of bankers, beauti cians, and bike repair shops. And increasingly, advertising is used to sell a wide variety of ideas — economic, political, religious, and social. It's important to note here that, for the sake of simplicity, in this text the term product refers to both goods and services. For a message to be considered an advertisement, the sponsor must be identified. This seems obvious. Naturally, the sponsor usually wants to be identified — or else why pay to advertise? But a distinguishing characteristic between advertising and public relations is that certain public relations activities like publicity are normally not openly sponsored. Advertising reaches us through various channels of communication referred to as the media. In addition to the traditional mass media — radio, television, newspapers and magazines — advertising also uses hoardings (Br. E.) and billboards (Am. E), which are an integral part of the urban landscape, as well as catalogues, circulars, sponsorship, skywriting, neon signs, product placement and endorsement, free samples and so on. The Internet is a new advertising medium. As a marketing tool, advertising serves several functions: • to identify and differentiate products; • to communicate information about the product; • to induce the trial of new products by new users and to suggest repurchasing by existing users; • to stimulate a product's distribution; • to increase product use; • to build brand preference and loyalty; • to lower the overall cost of sales. Advertising may be classified by target audience (consumer, industrial), by geography (local, international), by medium (radio, newspaper, television), or by its function or purpose (product advertising, non-commercial advertising, action advertising). What is an effective advertisement? It is one that attracts your attention. It is such an advertisement which keeps honest information about a product. It often has a clever and interesting picture or drawing, skilful use of colours. It is also put in the right place. Apart from attracting your attention a good advertisement must hold your interest. What is more a really effective advertisement induces action. You simply go and buy this very product. In a word, a good advertisement sells the product. V. Read the statements and decide if they are true or false or if the statement gives information that is not provided in the text: 1. People are not influenced with subliminal advertising, since they do not notice such advertisements. 2. Advertising is directed towards a mass audience. 3. There are only three organizations whose ads are not paid for by sponsors. 4. Advertising manipulates consumers creating artificial needs.. 5. Unlike publicity advertising is openly sponsored. 6. Advertising through mass media, billboards, and direct mail is lost common and efficient. 7. Internet advertising is promoting your activities or your company to products on the Internet. 8. Honest information about a product is important for advertising 9. The ultimate in advertising is word-of-mouth: friends and igues are often the most reliable sources of information. 10. Advertising sells products, not ideas.
VI. Look at the words in the box below. Label each item 1 for advertising media, 2 for method of advertising or 3 for verbs to do with advertising: directories run commercials exhibition point-of-sale target press persuade mailshots public transport billboards / hoardings posters endorsement Internet publicise promote place launch word-of-mouth research slogans sponsorship cinema free samples leaflets radio sponsor television
VII. Choose the most suitable word from the words in brackets to complete these sentences: 1. Viacom Outdoor is an advertising company that specializes in placing adverts on (billboards / public transport / television) such as buses. 2. Some perfume companies provide (leaflets j commercials / free les) so that customers can try the perfume on their skin before they buy. 3. Advertising companies spend a lot of money on creating clever (slogans / directories / mailshots) that are short and memorable such as the message for the credit card, Access: «Your flexible friend». 4. Celebrity (exhibition / research / endorsement) is a technique that is very popular in advertising at the moment. 5. If news about a product comes to you by (word-of-mouth / press / Internet), someone tells you about it rather than you seeing an advert. 6. If you have something to sell, you can (target /place / launch) an advert in the local newspaper. 7. Outdoor advertising is growing rapidly because the cost of TV (commercials / publicity / research) has risen dramatically. 8. (Research / Endorsement / Sponsorship) of sports or art events can be a powerful method of advertising. 9. Advertising done at the place where a product is sold is called «(public /point-of-sale / eye-catching) advertising» 10. Billboards, those large signs used for advertising, are often called «(leaflets / slogans / hoardings)» in British English.
VIII. Match the words 1 to 6 to the words a) to f) to make word partnerships. (This type of phrase is common in advertising.)
Which of the word partnership s would you use to describethese products:a soft drink, a fruit bar, a computer quiz game, a low-power light bulb, a range of smart clothing, a range of supermarket own-brand products? Which other productsis it possibleto describewith theseword partnerships?
IX. Read, translate and learn by heart 10 phrases very often used in the language of advertisements: 1. Your may never need some other (product advertised) in your life. 2. You will be happier (healthier, more desirable) after buying our product. 3.Try it! 4.It works. Study proves it. 5.Make the right choice. 6. Madebetter (to do something) better. 7. It is safe. You 'll see it after buying our product. 8. Come home to quality. 9.. Let us change our life for better 10. Nobody does (some kind of work) better than (product advertised).
Read some catchphrases from advertising and identify which of the following goods is being promoted: coffee, a strong alcoholic drink, a soft drink, sport shoes (trainers), tooth paste, chewing gum, jewelry, lady's clothes, baby food. a. Still going strong! b. Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk. c. A shining smile and protection from caries. d. The best smell that can wake you up in the morning! e. We'll,make you run faster! f. Why not wear what makes you look twice as pretty? g. More health and energy for your baby. h. Obey your thirst! i. Give her what she deserves! Do you like these catchphrases? Why, or why not? In small groups of 3 or 4 students, make up catchphrases for 5 of these products.
X. Translate into English. 1. Реклама – це найважливіший елемент сучасного маркетинг 2. Реклама має відповідати загальній маркетинговій стратегії компанії – її планам щодо того, яким чином вона досягатиме успіху на конкретних ринках. 3. Головною проблемою є досягнення потрібної цільової аудиторії, тому вибір засобів реклами є життєво важливим. 4. Рекламні щити, буклети та каталоги використовують для реклами товарів в усьому світі. 5. Виробники парфюмерно-косметичних товарів часто пропонують безкоштовні зразки покупцям, щоб вони спробували новий продукт. 6. Поява знаменитості у вашому рекламному ролику викличе інтерес до продукту. 7. Ви повинні вміти визначати, який саме вид реклами буде працювати краще. 8. Реклама, як правило, розробляється рекламними агентствами, з якими підприємства підписують угоди. 9. Агентства виробляють для клієнтів рекламний брив з пропозиціями стосовно того, що можна використати у рекламній кампанії. 10. Реклама, граючи на емоціях, змушує людей купувати речі, які їм не потрібні.
XІ. Complete the following sentences: 1. Advertising is defined as____. 2. Advertising media include____. 3. Advertising serves the following functions:____. 4. Advertising is classified by____. 5. An effective advertisement is one that___.
XII. Try also and explain: 1. Why direct-mail advertising is non-personal, though it often tries to personalize the message; 2. Which ads are not paid for by their sponsors; 3. Which ads are informative, not persuasive; 4. Why advertising is often criticized for being persuasive; 5. Why the sponsor usually wants to be identified.
XIII. Speak on the topic «Advertising».