Topic 7: labor contract
The aim: The acquisition of knowledge about the value and type of employment contract, its meaning and distinction from civil agreements on labor, increasing knowledge about transfer to another job, move to another job, changing material conditions, grounds for termination of employment contract and their classification, the order of execution release and making calculations with it. Decision situational problems on classes. Questions: 1. The concept and importance of the employment contract. Differences labor contract from these loosely-related contracts associated with labor. 2. Content and form of labor contract. 3. Types of labor contract. Features of the conclusion of certain types of labor contracts. Conducting role play "Stand comes judgment." Topics creative works: 1. Fundamental rights and duties of the employee under an employment contract. 2. Fundamental rights and duties of an employee of a financial institution under an employment contract. 3. The legal status of the employer in the present conditions of ownership in Ukraine. 4. Terms and conditions characteristic changes in the labor contract. 5. Employment contract as a condition of employment relationship. 6. The value of work function in the regulation of labor relations. 7. Features an employment contract with an employee of a financial institution. 8. Features of the legal regulation of young professionals. 9. Regulating the contract as a special type of employment contract. 10. Differences and characteristics of labor contracts moonlighting and reconciliation of trades and positions. 11. Legal description of the conditions for termination of employment contract by the employee. 12. Legal description of the conditions for termination of employment contract by the employer.
Equipment training - multimedia projector, presentation, legal program "League: Law." Forms of knowledge control - Individual surveys of students (oral and written), testing, discussion of individual works, modular control. Literature: С.М. Прилипко, О.М. Ярошенко. Трудове право України: Підручник. – Харків: Видавець ФО П Вапнярчук Н.М., 2011. – 664с. Костюченко О.Є.Трудове право: навчально-методичний посібник., ХІБС УБС НБУ, 2010 Малихіна Я.А.Українська - англійський словник термінів з «Трудового права» для студентів-бакалаврів, які поглиблено вивчають англійську мову – Харків: ХІБС УБС НБУ, 2012. – 60 с. − сайт Верховної Ради України. − сайт Кабінету Міністрів України. − сайт Національного банку України. − електронний каталог Національної бібліотеки України ім. Вернадського. − електронний каталог наукової бібліотеки НаУКМА.
SEMINAR № 8 (2 hours)