Forecast for take-off (FCST TAKE-OFF)
Forecast for take-off includes information about expected weather conditions in the runways area. These include: - surface wind speed and direction as well as variations in their parameters: - temperature; - pressure (QNH); - other weather conditions in the frame of local agreement.
The Forecast for take-off, if requested, is given to aircraft operators and flight crew within 3 hours before the expected take-off.
1200Z 24012KT PS16 Q1014 1500Z 25015KT PS18 Q1013
Take off forecast valid on: 18:00 UTC 07 Feb 2006 WIND(KT) Temp(C) Humidity(%) FL 180 310 38 -22 15 FL 140 310 31 -11 8 FL 100 300 28 -4 15 Fl 050 300 23 -2 83
Landing forecast valid on: 18:00 UTC 07 Feb 2006
WIND(KT) Temp(C) Humidity(%) FL 180 160 8 -29 66 FL 140 60 11 -19 76 FL 100 40 17 -10 66 Fl 050 20 41 -6 92 2.3. Area forecasts for low level flights (Gamet)
GAMETs cover the area from the ground to FL100 (3000 m) and up to FL150 (4500 m) in the mountain region. GAMETs are issued every 6 hours for each FIR (Flight Information Region) in Ukraine. The validity period is 00-06; 06-12; 12-18; 18-24 UTC not less than 1 hour in advance.
The GAMET consists of two sections:
Secn1: Description of significant weather conditions along the route. The detailed information is only given when predetermined criteria are exceeded. Section 1 of GAMET is used for AIRMET preparation. Besides, the SIGMET information for the same region or subregion and the same validity period is given at the end of the section. Secn2: General weather information that is always forecast is given in Table 4 It includes:
Table 4