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Content and interpreting groups constituting the TAF code

# Coded group Content of Group
  CCCC Location or place Four letters ICAO ID‘s designators are used.
  GoGoGHGHgg(Z)   Date and time of Issue DD – day HH – Hour Mm – Minutes Z - Time Zone, Z is for Zulu or GMT, UTC.
TAF AMD TAF Amendment Designator of Terminal Aerodrome Forecast amendment valid for the period of previous TAF.
  G1G1G2G2gg Validity period
G1G1 Day of month at the beginning of validity period.
G2G2 Beginning of forecast period in UTC hours.
gg End of forecast period in UTC hours.
  dddff(Gfmfm) Forecast Surface Wind  
ddd Averaged wind direction is coded in tenth of degrees with three figures. The direction from which the wind is blowing (meteo) is given with reference to true north.


Table 3. Continued

# Coded group Content of Group
    Directions less than 100 degrees should be preceded by a “0”. VRB instead of ddd means that expected wind direction varies and averaged wind speed is less than 3 knots (2 mps or 6kmh). In case of strong wind, VRB is used when averaged wind direction is impossible to determine. After VRB the wind speed is reported.
ff Averaged forecast wind speed is coded in two (three) digits immediately following the wind direction. If dddff is reported as 00000, it means that no motion of air is expected that is Calm. The wind group always ends with units of measurement: knots (KT), metres per second (MPS) or kilometres per hour (KMH).
Gfmfm Forecast wind gusts are coded in two (three) figures just following the wind speed. fmfm is the maximum instantaneous wind speed. It is reported when maximum wind speed is expected to exceed the “mean speed” by 5 mps (10KT or 20 KPH) during 10 minute interval.
  VVVV Minimal Horizontal visibilityon Runway measured in meters. When Visibility is expected to exceed 10 km it is coded as 9999. When the horizontal visibility is expected to be not the same in all directions the minimal visibility is given.

Table 3. Continued

# Coded group Content of Group
  W’W’ Forecast special weather conditions. Table 1 shows the standards for various elements and descriptors for this group. The definitions of the present weather elements are given in appendix 1.  
The following special weather phenomena, their descriptions and intensity are included in the TAF: -freezing precipitation -moderate or heavy: Rain, Snow, Ice pellets, Hail, Small hail and/or snow pellets - Low drifting: Sand, Dust, Snow - Blowing: Sand, Dust, Snow - Sandstorm or Duststorm - Thunderstorm (TSRA, TSSN, TSPE, TSGR, TSGS and their combinations) - Squall - Funnel cloud(tornado or Waterspout) - other weather phenomena that can lead to significant obscuration.
NSW Is used instead of W’W’ when the end of special weather phenomena is expected.
  NSNSNShShShS(CC) or (VVhShShS) Forecast Cloud group
NSNSNS Forecast Cloud amount, shown by the following abbreviations: Few is used for 1-2 octas SCT is used for 3-4 octas BKN is used for 5-7 octas OVC is used for 8 octas.
hShShS Forecast Cloud height. It should be multiplied by 30 to get the value of cloud height in meters and by 100 to get the value of cloud height in feet.


Table 3. Continued

# Coded group Content of Group
  /// Means that Cloud base is lower than the airdrome (in mountain region).
CC Forecast Type of clouds.Only CB clouds are reported.
SKC Sky clear.It is reported insteadof cloud group in case of cloud absence.
VVhShShS Forecast vertical visibility.It is reported insteadof cloud group when the sky is obscured. VV is the group designator. hShShS is the Vertical visibility. It should be multiplied by 30 to get the value of cloud height in meters and by 100 to get the value of cloud height in feet.
  VV/// Vertical visibility not available
  CAVOK It is reported insteadof horizontal visibility, RVR, present weather, cloud groups when simultaneous observations are: Visibility is greater than 10 km, There are no cloudsbelow 500ft (1500m) or minimum sector altitude, whichever is the lowest and no CB. There are no significant weather phenomena.
  (T(M)TFTF/GFGFZ) Forecast Temperaturesin Celsius.
T Temperature group designator
M Designator of negative temperatures
TFTF Forecast Air Temperature
GFGFZ UTC Time of Forecast Temperature
  (6IChihihitL) Forecast Icing
  Icing group designator.
IC The type of forecast icing. It is given in coded numbers (table #2).

Table 3. Continued

# Coded group Content of Group
  hihihi The lowest level of icing. It should be multiplied by 30 to get the value of the lowest level in metres.
  tL Icing layer thickness. It should be multiplied by 300 to get the value of the icing layer thickness in metres.
  (5BhBhBhBtL)   Forecast Turbulence
  Turbulence group designator.
B The type of forecast turbulence. It is given in coded numbers (table #2).
hBhBhB The lowest level of turbulence. It should be multiplied by 30 to get the value of the lowest level in metres.
tL Turbulence layer thickness. It should be multiplied by 300 to get the value of the turbulence layer thickness in meters.
When layer thickness of icing or turbulence is greater than 2700 meters, the groups are repeated. The highest level of phenomena in the preceding group is the lowest level of phenomena in the next group.
  TTTTT GGGeGe and/or TTGG PROBC3C3 GGGeGe Change Group and probability of alternating phenomena appearance
TTTTT Change indicator.One of the following change indicators can be used: BECMG TEMPO PROBC3C3
PROB Code for probability of forecast.
C3C3 Probability of occurrence in percent (30% or 40%).



Table 3. End

# Coded group Content of Group
  GGGeGe Time group.It indicates the period of changing the phenomena that is indicated in the main body of TAF.
GG UTC hours from which the change is expected.
GeGe UTC hours till which the change is expected.
TTGG It is used when time group forecast is necessary to divide into 2 or more separate groups. TT is letter indicator that can be: - FM (from) - TL (till) - AT (at). GG is the UTC hours from when the change is expected.
  TXnn/ttZ Forecast max temperature
TX Indicator for maximum temperature.
nn Temperature value in Celsius.
tt Forecast hours when the maximum temperature is expected.
Z UTC time indicator.
  TNmm/ttZ Forecast min temperature
  TN Indicator for minimum temperature.
  mm Temperature value in Celsius.
  tt Forecast hours when the minimum temperature is expected.
  Z UTC time indicator.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 498. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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