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Match each word from column A (1-30) with its partner from column B (a-dd) to make a computing term definition from Basic English for Computing Units 15-16

1 draft a)a computer language that uses a system of tags for creating web pages  
2 bookmark b) a programmed function that checks the spelling of text in a document  
3 font c) the starting page on a web site  
4 single in-line memory module d) drawings that have moving images    
5 read-only memory e) to insert spaces so that lines of a text are aligned on both the left and right sides at the same time  
6 justify f) memory that contains programs and data that the user cannot change, for example, it may contain the programs required to start up the computer
7 home page g) a set of text characters of a particular design  
8 animation h) a small electronic circuit board containing memory chips. SIMMs are designed to be plugged into memory slots  
9 spelling checker i)a web address stored in a browser program to allow a webpage to be found easily/ to store a web address in a browser program to allow a web page to be found easily  
10 HTML j) a preliminary version of a piece of writing, of a piece of painting or a document  
11 hyperlink k) A row of icons in a program that are used to change the appearance of the text in some way when clicked with a mouse  
12 scroll l) An application program that can be used in a variety of ways  
13 browser m) A list of options that opens downwards and stays open when clicked with a mouse  
14 add-on n) To make changes to a piece of text or a document  
15 spellcheck, n o) An application program that is used for creating and editing the text and layout of pages to be published  
16 desktop publishing package p) A check of spelling in a document/to check a spelling in a document  
17 drop-down menu q) A program used for displaying web-pages  
18 edit r) A small program that can be attached to a browser program to give the browser extra functions  
19 general purpose package s) To move displayed information smoothly, either horizontally or vertically, on the screen  
20 formatting toolbar t) a link from a hypertext file or document to another location or file, typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or image on the screen  
21 format n, v u) to place or arrange (things) in a straight line  
22 insertion point v) A row of icons displayed on a screen that start common program functions when clicked with a mouse  
23 save w) A type of computer application program used for typing and editing text documents  
24 ruler x) A narrow band across the bottom of the screen that displays useful information for the user    
25 tab y) to restore a file to the condition it was in before the last change was made  
26 status bar z) A horizontal line containing markings indicating measurements on the display screen  
27 undo aa) a fixed amount of space inserted into a line of text/to insert a fixed amount of space into a line of text  
28 word processor bb) To copy a program or data to a storage device  
29 toolbar cc) The position where something is put into a file  
30 align dd) The design and appearance of the text in a document/to design the look of text in a document


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 439. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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