Студопедия — Second marriage and later years
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Second marriage and later years

In 1930, traveling to Iraq, the excavations at Ur, she met her future husband - an archaeologist Max Mallouenom. He was younger than her 15 years. Agatha Christie talking about her marriage to the archaeologist that a woman should be as above, since then its value is greatly increased. Since then, she regularly spent several months a year in Syria and Iraq on expeditions with her ​​husband, this period of her life is reflected in his autobiographical novel, "Tell me how you live." In this marriage Agatha Christie lived the rest of his life, until his death in 1976.



Agatha Christie's room at the Istanbul Hotel Pera Palace Hotel

Thanks to Christy travel with her ​​husband in the Middle East, the events of a few of her works have taken place there. Site of action of other novels (eg, " And Then There Were None ") was the city of Torquay and its environs, a place where I was born Christie [12]. The novel " Murder on the Orient Express "was written in 1934 at the Hotel Pera Palas (Engl. Pera Palace Hotel) in Istanbul (Turkey). In room 411 hotel where Agatha Christie lived, and now her memorial museum [13]. Estate The Greenway Estate in Devon, which is a pair bought in 1938 [14], is protected by the Society for the Preservation of Monuments (English. National Trust).

Christie often stayed at the mansion Ebni Hall (Engl. Abney Hall) in Cheshire, which belonged to her brother-James Watts (Engl. James Watts). The action of at least two pieces of Christie's happening in this estate, " Adventure of the Christmas Pudding ", the story also included in the collection of the same name, and the novel" After the funeral ". [15]. "Ebni a source of inspiration for Agatha, were taken from this description of the locations such as Stiles, Chimniz, Stoungeyts and other homes that are in some way represent Ebni" [16].

In 1956 Agatha Christie was awarded the Order of the British Empire, and in 1971 for achievements in literature, Agatha Christie was awarded the title Kavalerdama (Engl. Dame Commander) of the Order of the British Empire, owners who also acquire a noble title " lady "is used before the name. Three years earlier, in 1968 the title of Knight of the Order of the British Empire and was awarded the husband of Agatha Christie, Max Mallouen for achievements in the field of archeology.

In 1958 the writer led the English Detective Club.



The tombstone on the grave of Agatha Christie

In the period from 1971 to 1974, Christie's health began to deteriorate, but despite this she continued to write. Experts at the University of Toronto examined the style of writing in these years, Christy, and have suggested that Agatha Christie was suffering from Alzheimer's disease[17] [18].

In 1975, when she was quite gone, Christie gave the rights to his most successful play "The Mousetrap "to his grandson.

The writer died January 12 1976 at his home in Wallingford (Wallingford), Oxfordshire, after a short cold and was buried in the village Cholsi [4].

Agatha Christie's autobiography [19], which the writer graduated in 1965, and ends with the words: "Thank you, Lord for my good life and for all the love that was bestowed to me.";

The only daughter Christie, Rosalind Margaret Hicks (eng. Rosalind Margaret Hicks) also lived for 85 years and died on October 28 2004 in Devon. Agatha Christie's grandson, Mathew Prichard (Engl. Mathew Prichard), inherited the rights to some of the literary works of Agatha Christie, and yet his name is associated with the fund «Agatha Christie Limited».

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