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Classification of Oil

Oil is the main source of fuel, lubricant and technical liquid production. Oil production from interior of the earth on its surface is known from deep Antiquity: Herodot, Aristotel, Hypocrat mentioned oil. But the development of oil industry began much later – only since the 60s of the 19th century.

The natural oil represents a dense oily liquid. 90% of petroleum compose hydrocarbon of various compound and structure. It is common to determine element (chemical) break up and group compounds of oil chemical demands, and their ratio in petroleum determines the elements compound. Basic elements included into compound of oil are carbon (84%–87%) and hydrogen (12–15%). Along with carbon and hydrogen sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen are present in all oils. Nitrogen is in very little amount in oil (0.001–0.3%). And the contents of oxygen varies within the limits of 0.1…1% and about. The contents of sulfur in petroleum changes from 0.05% (white surahhony’s oil) up to 5% and more. It is accepted to classify petroleum according to the contents of sulfur: with the low sulfur contents – 1-st class (0.1-0.5%), sulfurous – 2-nd class (0.5-2%) and with the high sulfur contents – 3-rd class (2–10%). The most typical representatives of oil hydrocarbon are placed on the following homologous series: alkanes (paraffin) – chemical naphthenes, aromatic hydrocarbon. The hydrocarbons containing from one up to four atoms of carbon (methane, ethane, propane, butane) are gases in normal conditions.

The origin of petroleum is still disputable for the scientists of the entire world. Among the existing theories about the origin of petroleum and gas, the organic theory of the mixed origin received the greatest distribution. According to this theory the animal and vegetation residuals participate in petroleum and gas formation (natural hydrocarbon systems- NHCS). All combustible minerals are called caustobioliths (from Greek ‘caustos’ – combustible, ‘bios’ – life, ‘lithos’ – stone). These residuals under the influence of complicated chemical and biochemical processes turned into putrid silt (sapropel) into which residuals of highly organized plants could be admixed. Putrid salt and humid substances loaded in salt water pools were subjected to further modifications gradually turning into gum-from substance. Due to high temperatures and pressure more deep chemical and biochemical transformators of these substances happened which resulted in formation by complicated hydrocarbon mixtures.

Ukraine is one of the most ancient oil-and-gas production deposits on the territory of Carpathians region, which began more than 120 years ago. During this time 250 million tons of petroleum with gas condensate and almost 1.2 trln of gas were extracted.


Exercise 23. Find the corresponding translation for the following terms.

1. lubricant a) вміст

2. liquid b) надра

3. origin с) стародавній

4. residual d) походження

5. interior e) рослинність

6. ratio f) залишок

7. mixture g) поклади

8. ancient h) мастило

9. deposits i) співвідношення

10. vegetation j) видобуток

11. production k) суперечливий

12. distribution l) представник

13. disputable m) розповсюдження

14. contents n) суміш

15. representative o) рідина

Exercise 24. Fill in the gaps using the list of words and word combinations below.



carbon chemical naphthenes liquid
source Homologous series production
nitrogen Lubricant hydrogen
deposits Contents interior

Oil is the main ______ of fuel, _________ and technical liquid production. Oil _____ from _______ of the earth on its surface is known from deep Antiquity. The natural oil represents a dense oily ______. Basic elements of oil are _______ and _______. ______ is in very little amount of oil (0.001 – 0.3%). The _____ of sulfur in petroleum changes from 0.05% up to 5%. The most typical representatives of oil hydrocarbon are placed on the following ______: alkanes – _____, aromatic hydrocarbon. Ukraine is one of the most ancient oil-and-gas production _______.


Exercise 25. Match these words with their definitions.

1. Liquid a) a gas that is an element and is the main part of

Earth’s air.

2. Oxygen b) an amount or layer of a substance in a particular


3. Nitrogen c) a substance which flows and is not solid or a gas.

4. Carbon d) the things that are inside something.

5. Origin e) ancient times.

6. Deposit f) a gas that is lighter that air, and that becomes

water when it combines with oxygen.

7. Lubricant g) the situation or place from which something comes or where it began to exist.

8. Antiquity h) a chemical element found in coal and petrol.

9. Ratio i) a gas in the air that all living things need.

10. Hydrogen j) a substance that is put on things that rub together,

making them move more smoothly.

11. Contents k) a relationship between 2 amounts written as two

numbers that show how much bigger one amount is

than the other.


Exercise 26. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) in relation to the information in the text. If yon think a statement is false, change it to make it true.

1. ____ Oil is the main source of production of fuel, lubricant and technical liquids.

2. ____ Oil production from interior is known from the Middle Ages, because the representatives of that time – Herodot, Aristotel, Hypocrat – mentioned oil.

3. ____ Basic element included into compound of oil are sulfur and carbon.

4. ____ Nitrogen is in very little amount in oil.

5. ____ Petroleum can be classified according to the contents of carbon: 1-st class, 2-nd class and 3-rd class.

6. ____ The hydrocarbons containing 3 atoms of carbon are gases in normal conditions.

7. ____ The origin of petroleum is disputable for the scientists.

8. ____ The only theory of the origin of petroleum is the organic theory of the mixed origin.


Exercise 27.Answer the following questions.

1. What is the main source of fuel, lubricant and technical liquid production?

2. Why do we consider that oil production from interior of the earth on its surface was known in Antiquity?

3. When did the development of oil industry begin?

4. What is the natural oil?

5. What are basic elements included into compound of oil?

6. What other elements, except carbon and hydrogen, are present in the oil?

7. How can we classify petroleum?

8. What hydrocarbons are gases in normal conditions?

9. Why is the origin of petroleum still disputable for the scientists?

10. What theory received the greatest distribution?

11. How are all combustible minerals called?


Exercise 28.Look back in the text and find words that have a similar meaning to:

petroleum inflammable, burnable

debatable, questionable to take part

to include together with, in conjunction

residue fluid effect

Exercise 29.Put all types of questions to the following sentences.

1. Development of oil industry began much later.

2. The natural oil represents a dense oily liquid.

3. The origin of petroleum is still disputable for the scientists.


Exercise 30.Put special questions to the underlined words.

1. According to this theory the animal and vegetation residuals participate in petroleum and gas formation. (Where...?)

2. 90% of petroleum compose hydrocarbons of various compound and structure.

3. The organic theory of the mixed origin received the greatest distribution.

4. Basic elements of oil are carbon and hydrogen.


Exercise 31. Put the verbs in brackets into correct grammar form.

1. The main source of fuel, lubricant and technical liquids production... (to be) oil.

2. Herodot, Aristotel, Hypocrat... (to mention) oil in Antiquity.

3. The development of oil industry... (to begin) in 19 century.

4. The natural oil... (to represent) a dense oily liquid.

5. Oil... (to include) carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, etc.

6. The contents of sulfur in petroleum... (to be) 0.05% - 5%.

7. The hydrocarbons containing 1 – 4 atoms of carbon... (to be) gases in normal conditions.

8. The scientists still... (to dispute) about the origin of petroleum.

9. Ukraine... (to have) deposits on the territory of Carpathians region.


Exercise 32. Form the nouns from the following verbs using suffixes -tion, -ant, -ment, etc. If you have any difficulties look for these nouns in the text.

To classify, to develop, to distribute, to form, to modify, to lubricate, to produce.


Exercise 33. Make up plural form for the following nouns.

Oil, source, compound, representative, theory, residual, process, substance, deposit, mixture, scientist, element, naphthene, condition, mineral.


Exercise 34. Write out all compound nouns from the text. Translate them into Ukrainian.

Example: liquid production – виготовлення рідини

oil production – вилучення нафти


Exercise 35. Translate into English.

1. Нафта – це основне джерело виготовлення палива, мастил, тощо.

2. Вилучення нафти з надр землі відомо з античності.

3. Розвиток нафтової промисловості розпочався в 60рр. ХІХст.

4. Природна нафта – це густа масляна рідина.

5. До складу нафти входять вуглець, водень, сіра, кисень та азот.

6. Відповідно до вмісту сіри, нафту класифікують на нафту 1-го класу (з низьким вмістом сіри), 2-го класу (сірний) та 3 класу (з великим вмістом сіри).

7. Походження нафти все ще суперечливе для вчених всього світу.

8. Серед існуючих теорій найбільше розповсюдження здобула теорія змішаного походження.

9. Відповідно до цієї теорії тварини і рослини приймають участь у формуванні газу і нафти.

10. Усі ці горючі матеріали називаються каустобіолітами.

Exercise 36. Read and translate the text.

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