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Oil and its Products

Oil is one of the important natural sources of hydrocarbons. Oil is a greasy burning liquid that has dark-brown or almost black color with characterable smell. It is lighter than water, practically not dilutable in it. Due to the structure oil is the mixture of hydrocarbons of different molecular mass, mainly liquid, in which the rigid and gaseous hydrocarbons are diluted. While heating it in the device, it is possible to notice, that oil alternates not due to the definite temperature, that is characterable to the individual substances, but in wide interval of temperatures. Firstly the substances with small molecular mass that have low temperature of boiling, are outrun due to the moderate heating, then due to the higher temperature the substances with more molecular mass begin to outrun.

The oil structure of different deposits is not similar. But usually all of them contain such hydrocarbon types – refined and non-refined alkanes, cyclo-alkanes, aroma hydrocarbons, correlation of which varies in wide borders. The oil deposits in Kazakstan contain more members of cyclo-alkanes with rings of five and six members. The oil from western Ukraine consists of more concentrated hydrocarbons, and from Ural – of aroma hydrocarbons. Except hydrocarbons, oil contains oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen. Highly molecular compounds in appearance of pitch and asphaltous substances are also presented in it. Oil contains hundreds of different substances. Because oil is the mixture of hydrocarbons of different molecular mass that have different temperatures of boiling, it is divided into separate fractions (distillates), previously separating fellow-traveled gases via outrunning it in oil refinery.

Oil refinery complex of Ukraine consists of 6 plants, that work due to two schemes: fuel; fuel-lubricant. They refine 60 – 62 mln tons of oil in one year, and manufacturing more that 50 types of oil products. The most important fractional components of primary oil refinery, that are used as goods products, or serve as raw materials for next alternation are:

– hydrocarbon gas (propane, butane);

– benzene fraction, temperature of boiling till 200 0C;

– kerosene fraction, temperature of boiling 220 – 275 0C;

– gas oil or diesel fuel, temperature of boiling 200 – 400 0C;

– lubricants, temperature of boiling 300 0C;

– remainder (black oil).

All these fractions are used for obtaining of light oil products.

The petroleum fraction includes so called petroleum ether and extractional benzene. Petrol that dominantly contains hydrocarbons in large quantities is used as aviation and automobile fuel or is also used as a dilutant of oils, caoutchouc, for cleaning oil fabric. The manufacturing of benzene makes 25 – 50% of all types of all products. The quality of benzene depends on its detonative firmness and sulfur presence. As a rule for manufacturing of petroleum with high detonative firmness, a highly octane benzene fractions are used, that are obtained as a result of secondary refining processes.

Gas-mixture of hydrocarbons is used as fuel for reactive tractor engines and also for everyday needs. It is produced on the base of directly outrunning fractions of oil and gas oils of catalytic splitting. The main indicators of fuels quality for reactive engines are density, heat burning, fractional structure, and sulfur and pitch presence. Density and heat of burning of reactive fuel characterize its energetic abilities. The higher density the bigger quantity of fuel will be possible to load into container of flying vehicle, increasing in such a way the distance of flight without additional refuelling. Fractional structure and pressure of concentrated vapors of reactive fuel considerably depend on conditions of forming of air-fuel mixtures and their burning. The higher pressure of vapors, the better fuel evaporation will be. The significant part of kerosene is listed to lower hydrocarbons. Gas oil is used as fuel for diesel engines, and also as a dilutant in varnish painting industry. Huge quantities of it is remarked to the petrol. Diesel engines are the most heat economic engines, they have a lower spend of fuel and higher efficiency than carburetor engines. The basic exploitational characters of gas oil are speed of burning, fractional structure, viscosity, flashing temperature, thickening, the content of pitch like and corrosion active compounds.

The best speed of burning have diesel fuels, that contain lots of alkanes and small quantity of arenes. The estimation of fuel burning is realized with the help of octane number. Normal start and smooth work of diesels is provided by using fuel with octane number being not less than 45. The lubricants or oil, that include hydrocarbons, are cleaned and used for lubrication of mechanisms, with the purpose of reducing of friction between rigid surfaces of moving particles of different engines, machines. Lubricants are mixtures of liquid highly boiling fractions, cleaned from admixtures. Due to the region of using they are divided into special and lubricative. Lubricative are divided into industrial, engine, vacuum, energetic, cylindrical, transmission, axelic, hydraulic. After outrunning of oil of light products the viscous black liquid black oil remains. As a rule black oil is subjected to another alternation by the way of heating. To avoid decomposition, it is out-tuned under low pressure, emitting lubricants. Except alternation on lubricant, black oil is subjected to chemical alternation on petrol, and also is used liquid fuel in vapor boilers of thermal electrostations, and different industrial kilns. If it is necessary to reduce viscosity of boilers fuel, then to the remains of oil- chemical synthesis, that are included in it, about 20–25% gas oils (diesel) fractions are added. For characteristic of exploitational properties of black oil such indicators are used: density, viscosity, water and carbon containing.

From black oil of some oil types vaseline and paraffin are produced. The black oil remain is called oil hydron. Vaseline is used in medicine. It consists of mixture of liquid and rigid hydrocarbons. Paraffin is used for producing of higher carbon acids, for producing pencils, matchers, candles. It consists of mixture of rigid hydrocarbons.

Exercise 2. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.

Масляна горюча рідина, розчинний, молекулярна маса, кисень, сіра, азот, смола, ефір, газойль, доля (частка), температура кипіння, мазут, залишок, легкий нафтопродукт, каучук, пропан, бутан, бензол, дизельне паливо, октан, реактивний двигун, в’язкість, тертя, парафін, сировина, забруднення, гідравлічний.


Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the following words.


pitch fraction varnish hydrocarbons engines water lubricants caoutchouc liquid sources dilutant density aviation gas oil

Oil is one of the important natural ______ of hydrocarbons. It is a greasy burning _________ that has dark-brown or black color with characterable smell. It is lighter than ________, practically not dilutable in it. Oil is the mixture of _________ of different molecular mass.

The petroleum ______ includes ether and extractional benzene. Petrol is used as ______ and automobile fuel. It is also used as a ______ of oils, __________, for cleaning oil fabric. The main indicators of fuel quality for reactive engines are ______, heat burning, fractional structure, and sulfur and _______ presence. _______ is used as fuel for diesel _______, and as a dilutant in ________ painting industry. Due to the region of using ________ are divided into special and lubricative.


Exercise 4.Complete the sentences.

1. Oil is a greasy burning liquid that has....

2. Due to the structure oil is the mixture....

3. While heating it in the device, oil alternates....

4. The oil structure of different deposits is....

5. The oil deposits in Kazakstan contain....

6. Except hydrocarbons, oil contains....

7. Oil refinery complex of Ukraine consists of....

8. The most important fractional components of primary oil refinery are....

9. The petroleum fraction includes....

10. The quality of benzene depends on its....

11. The main indicators of fuel quality for reactive engines are....

12. Gas oil is used....

13. Lubricants are mixtures....

14. Vaseline and paraffin are produced....


Exercise 5.Answer the following questions.

1. What is oil?

2. What are physical characteristics of oil?

3. What do you know about the oil structure of different deposits?

4. What does oil refinery complex of Ukraine consist of?

5. What does the petroleum fraction include?

6. What do you know about lubricants?

7. What indicators are used for characteristic of exploitational properties?

8. What is black oil? What is produced from it?


Exercise 6. Put all types of questions to the following sentences.

1. The oil structure of different deposits is not similar

2. Oil refinery complex of Ukraine consists of six plants.

3. Vaseline is used in medicine.

4. The basic exploitational characteristics of gas oil are speed of burning, viscosity and so on.

5. Ukrainian 6 plants refine 60 – 62 mln tons of oil in one year.


Exercise 7.Work in pairs. You have some more information about oil and its products, but you don’t have the same information as your partner. Ask and answer the questions to complete the information.

Student A

Oil is... (What kind of liquid...?) liquid. It has dark-brown or black color with characterable smell.

Oil refinery complex of Ukraine consists of... (How many plants...?) plants. They refine 60 – 62 mln tons of oil in one year. The most important fractional components of primary oil refinery are... (What...?). (What...?)... includes ether and extractional benzene. Gas-mixture of hydrocarbons is used as fuel for... (What... for?). Gas oil is used as dilutant in... (Where...?).

Student B

Oil is a greasy burning liquid. It has... (What color?) color with characterable smell.

... (What...?) consists of 6 plants. They refine... (How many...?) tons of oil in one year. The most important fractional components of primary oil refinery are hydrocarbon gas, benzene fraction, kerosene fraction, gas oil or diesel fuel, lubricants and remainder. Petroleum fraction includes... (What...?).... (What...?) is used as fuel for reactive tractor engines. Gas is used... (How...?) in varnish painting industry.


Exercise 8. Make comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.

Example: light – lighter – (the) lightest

difficult – more difficult – (the) most difficult

Light, difficult, important, high, big, expensive, far, small, good, famous, low, hot, large, tidy, heavy, common.

Exercise 9. Form the adjectives using the suffixed –able, -ent, -al, -ous, -ive. If you have any difficulties look for these adjectives in the text.

  -able -ent -al -ous -ive Translation
Nature Character Dilute Differ Asphalt Fraction React Addition Exploitation Part Natural природній


Exercise 10.Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian in written form. Pay attention to the constructions with adjectives: (more...) / -er... than, the –er/more... the er/more... (чим...тим...). Make up your own sentences with these constructions.

1. The higher density the bigger quantity of fuel will be possible to load into container of flying vehicle, increasing in such a way the distance of flight without additional refuelling.

2. The higher pressure of vapors, the better fuel evaporation will be.

3. It is lighter than water, practically not dilutable in it.


Exercise 11.Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions if they are necessary (to, by, into, of, from, with, for).

1. Vaseline and paraffin are produced... black oil of some oil types.

2. Paraffin is used... producing of higher carbon acids,... producing pencils, matches, candles.

3. Black oil is subjected... another alternation... the way of heating.

4. Oil is the mixture... hydrocarbons of different molecular mass.

5. Substances... small molecular mass have low temperature of boiling.

6. The oil from western Ukraine consists... more concentrated hydrocarbons.

7. Except hydrocarbons, oil contains... oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen.

8. Lubricative are divided... industrial, engine, vacuum, energetic, cylindrical, hydraulic.

Exercise 12.Rewrite the following sentences in Passive Voice.

1. They refine 60 – 62 mln tons of oil in one year.

2. They use these fractions for obtaining of light oil products.

3. They clean and use lubricants for lubrication of mechanisms.

4. They divide lubricative substance into industrial, vacuum, energetic.

5. They produce vaseline and paraffin from black oil.


Exercise 13.Put the verbs in brackets into correct grammar form.

1. The oil deposits in Ural... (to contain) aroma hydrocarbons.

2. Ukraine... (to consist) of more concentrated hydrocarbons.

3. The most important fractional components of primary oil refinery... (to use) as goods products or as raw materials for next alternation.

4. Density, heat burning, fractional structure, sulfur and pitch presence... (to be) the main indicators of fuel quality.

5. Hydrocarbons of different molecular mass... (to have) different temperatures of boiling.

6. The quality of benzene... (to depend) on its detonative firmness and sulfur presence.


Exercise 14.Circle the correct answer choice for each question.

1. Oil is lighter than water, practically not... in it.

a) dilute; b) dilutant; c) dilutable.

2. The rigid and gaseous hydrocarbons... in oil.

a) dilute; b) dilutant; c) dilutable.

3. Petrol is used as a... of oils, caoutchouc, for cleaning oil fabric.

a) dilute; b) dilutant; c) dilutable.

4. The... is a mixture of liquid highly boiling fractions.

a) lubrication; b) lubricant; c) lubricative.

5. These materials are used for... of mechanisms in order to reduce the friction between rigid surfaces.

a) lubrication; b) lubricant; c) lubricative.

6. Due to the region of using lubricants are divided into special and....

a) lubrication; b) lubricant; c) lubricative.


Exercise 15.Translate into English.

1. Нафта – це масляна горюча рідина чорного чи темно-коричневого кольору.

2. Нафта легша за воду.

3. Нафта – це суміш вуглеводню різної молекулярної маси.

4. Окрім вуглеводню, нафта включає кисень, сіру і азот.

5. Нафтопереробний комплекс України складається з 6 заводів, які переробляють 60 – 62 млн. тон нафти в рік.

6. Бензинова частка вміщує нафтовий ефір та бензол.

7. Бензин використовується як паливо для літаків та автомобілів; ним також розбавляють масла, каучук.

8. Найкращу швидкість спалювання мають дизельні палива, які складаються з великої кількості алканів та невеликої кількості аренів.

9. Для характеристики експлуатаційних властивостей мазуту використовуються такі індикатори: густина, в’язкість, вміст води і вуглецю.

10. Вазелін широкого використовується в медицині, а парафін використовується для виготовлення олівців, сірників та свічок.


Exercise 16. Read and translate the text.

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