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Conclusion. I`m, Kubzhasarova Zhanna Bergembayevna the student 4 courses, from 12.01.2015 to 06.02.2015 passed externship in SB of JSC «Sberbank».

I`m, Kubzhasarova Zhanna Bergembayevna the student 4 courses, from 12.01.2015 to 06.02.2015 passed externship in SB of JSC «Sberbank».

Before reception on practice between me and the director of the enterprise the contract on reception for externship was signed.

In the first day of my stay in practice to me held a personnel safety notification and the internal labor schedule then the test was handed over.

During practice employees acquainted me with the work and duties in the organization. All employees of the enterprise whenever possible answered all questions raised by me.

The SB of JSC «Sberbank» works in the Republic of Kazakhstan as Subsidiary Bank of «Sberbank of Russia» the seventh year. The bank has 117 structural divisions over all country, including 16 branches. The client base consists of 27,9 thousand legal and 532,6 thousand natural persons.

Clients of bank are:

• Corporate clients

• Very rich clients

• The clients having the high level of prosperity

• Workers and experts

• Youth

Activity of bank:

• Structural financing; operations on current accounts; deposit services; financial leasing

• Elite service

• Deposit operations

• Salary projects

• Mortgage lending, loans for education;

Having analyzed internal structure of bank it is possible to mark out such advantages of bank, as:

• Long-term experience

• Reliability


bsidiary bic of Kazakhstan as s • Great number of partners

• High-quality service

• Qualified specialists

• An extensive range of the provided banking services

• High art of competitive fight

• Branched organizational structure

• Innovative technologies

My externship took place in department of marketing and PR which is engaged in studying of competitors, holding special events for studying of clients, advertising of goods or service, development of price and commodity policy and strategy, forecasting of possible sales and volume of the occupied market share, development of strategy of activity of the enterprise in the internal and external markets, definition strong and weaknesses of the company and their use in its further development etc.

I received a lot of useful information concerning the bank, its activity, structure, work of departments and divisions. The passable practice promoted improvement, increase and strengthening of my knowledge in the financial and economic sphere.

The report of externship consists of introduction where are described the purpose and problems of practice. The following is the main part which consists of three parts. In the first part I provided the general information of SB of JSC «Sberbank» including history of bank, a field of activity, types of the services provided by bank and organizational structure of SB of JSC «Sberbank».

The following part includes the analysis of financial statements (the balance sheet and the profit and loss report) of bank for 2014. Also risk analysis on classifications is carried out. I included information on corporate clients as the department of medium business is included into the corporate block in the second part. In this part the done work of bank in branches of medium business and the reached results is described.

The third part is devoted to my externship in department of marketing and PR. In this part of the report I stated all process of work of department of marketing. Also I described the work done by me according to the diary of externship.

Summing up the report results, the externship which took place in department of marketing and PR of SB of JSC «Sberbank» provided me the mass of useful skills. In my opinion, externship promotes formation of the professional qualities necessary for us further; develops responsibility, discipline, sense of duty and other personal qualities; also it fixes and deepens the theoretical knowledge gained at universities and gives necessary practical skills.

I consider that externship is necessary. It is an effective remedy of training of students for future activity as allows seizing professional skill in general and its separate components, to gain skills of communication with people, to develop the certain personal properties and qualities necessary in work.

Proceeding from it, it is possible to tell that the skills acquired during practice are:

• efficiency of work

• resistance to stress

• development of responsibility, for the done work

• communicative skills, work in collective

• respect for clients and confidentiality of the company

• partnership in work with clients and employers

• skills of work with the computer

• skills of social communication

• ability to work quickly



Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 453. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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