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Introduction. 1. General information on SB of JSC «Sberbank»


Introduction………………………………………………………………….……. 3


1. General information on SB of JSC «Sberbank»………………………………... 4

1.1 History SB of JSC «Sberbank»……………………………………………..….5

1.2 Bank operations provided to SB of JSC «Sberbank»…………………………..7

1.3 Governing bodies of SB of JSC «Sberbank»…………………………………..8

1.4 Awards of SB of JSC «Sberbank»……………………………………..……….9


2. Analysis of financial results of SB of JSC «Sberbank»………………………....9

2.1 Analysis of the balance sheet………………………………………………..…9

2.2 Analysis of the profit and loss report…………………………………………11

2.3 Risk analysis…………………………………………………………………..11

2.4 Financing of corporate clients of SB of JSC «Sberbank»…………………….14


3. Practice in Department of Marketing and PR of SB of JSC «Sberbank»……...16

3.1 Recommendations in the course of externship in SB of JSC «Sberbank»...… 21




The list of the used sources…………………………………………………….…25






Pre diploma internship is one of the main components of process of training of students at university, and it is directed on obtaining the practical skills necessary for future professional activity. Relevance of labor practice consists in direct acquaintance to working process, to acquisition of practical knowledge in the specialty.

This practice is considered actual as promotes development and improvement of such professional qualities as working capacity (ability is long to perform work with high efficiency); independence (ability to carry out activity, leaning on own opportunities); resistance to stress (ability to resist to strong negative emotional impacts); communicative qualities (ability to cooperation and group work).

The purpose of practice is to examine the principles of the organization and activity of bank, to learn to apply theoretical material in practice, to get experience. The following tasks were set:

• to define the status of bank, form of ownership, legal forms of the organization, a role and a place in the administrative branch market;

• to consider the existing model of the organization of production and management, structure, functions, a technological and technological level of production; to consider sources of financial security of business, work of economical and analytical services;

• to analyze dynamics of development of bank, to carry out the preliminary analysis of efficiency of the enterprise.

The purpose of writing of this work - systematization and generalization of practical skills at practical training in bank on the basis of the gained theoretical knowledge.

Externship was taken place by me in Subsidiary Bank of «Sberbank» Joint-Stock Company. Practical training place address: Republic of Kazakhstan, city of Almaty, BС "Nurly Tau" St., 3B.

The term of passing of work practice made 20 days (from January 12, 2015 to February 6, 2015).

Post: manager. Drawing up acts and lease contracts of advertising spaces belonged to my duties.


1. General information of SB of JSC «Sberbank»

Full official name of the organization: Subsidiary Bank of «Sberbank of Russia» Joint-Stock Company
Date of creation:  
Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 050010, Almaty, Gogol St., 30.
Shareholders: The SB of JSC «Sberbank» is 100% the enterprise of the Russian JSC «Sberbank of Russia»
Chairman of the board of directors: Chairman of the board of Bank: Gorkov Sergey Nikolaevich Kamalov Alexander Ilyasovich
Number of structural divisions: 117, 16 from which are branches


All banks functioning in Kazakhstan except National Bank of Kazakhstan, represent the second level of a banking system and therefore received the name "banks of the second level". A legal basis of activity of banks of the second level is the Law "About Banks and Bank Activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan" of August 31, 1995 No. 2443.

According to the Law the bank of the second level in Kazakhstan is the legal entity which is carrying out irrespective of property, commercial activity, functioning which main objective - receiving profit.

Mission of Sberbank defines sense and the content of its activity, emphasizing its major role in national economy.

Clients of bank and their requirement, dream and the purpose is a basis of all activity of bank as the organizations. Mission of bank also establishes an ambitious goal — to become one of the best finance companies of the world.

In 2013 the bank accepted Strategy for development of Sberbank till 2018. This strategy is directed on further strengthening of positions of bank as one of the leading and stable financial institutions of the world. The main objectives of strategy are: doubling of indicators of net profit and assets, increase in break in effective management of expenses, increase of indicators of sufficiency of the capital of the first level.

When developing this strategy the bank took four principles of the effective organization as a basis:

• the organization which steadily reaches the high level of productivity and succeeds both in short-term, and in the long term;

• the organization, the deserved loyalty, devotion, love of the consumers;

• the organization which employees with all the heart are ill for good reason and are given to work with all passion and energy;

• the organization which is carrying out mission which distinguishes them from all others.

Today the SB of JSC «Sberbank» takes the leading positions in the field of modern bank technologies, introducing products, new, unique for the Kazakhstan banking sector. The bank constantly improves the level of service and seeks for ensuring geographical availability of products, expanding a network of branches.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 596. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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