Оrder of polygraphs
Figure 5 – Order of polygraphy
Figure 6 – Researches of satisfaction of clients with quality of service At practical training, to be exact in the first days there were difficulties concerning terminology of bank. But studying independently banks, a banking system and activity, and also having got access to internal documents and instructions of bank, I coped with difficulties and filled gaps. As for collective and employees of department, I was delighted with their professionalism and skill, ability to find solutions in desperate situations and to connect theoretical knowledge with the practical sphere. During my externship, I learned the very many. I gained the greatest experience in department of marketing communications. And I am sure that the got experience will bring benefit in my further career. 3.1. Recommendations in the course of work practice in SB of JSC «Sberbank» During passing of externship to SB of JSC «Sberbank», I consider that got powerful experience in banks of the second level. Within four weeks passed in department of marketing and PR I didn't notice any shortcomings concerning its organizational and administrative activity. As the bank is in the five of the best banks of the second level in Kazakhstan, respectively all work takes place up to standard. It would be desirable to add the recommendation concerning trainees and probationers. In the first day of my arrival in bank I noticed that on probationer’s trainees anybody especially doesn't pay attention. We passed a registration stage then were acquainted with safety measures, the including fire and information security, further we were sent to the departments. In my opinion, the department on personnel administration which includes different sectors, should carry out some kind of acquaintance or instructing in bank. As we didn't know full structure of bank, than this or that department that enters into its parts and that it is necessary to do, or on the contrary not to do to the probationer is engaged. In my opinion, such acquaintance with bank would cause interest in the probationer and would allow it to make a choice in which department he wants to do practical training further.