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Rights of the Translator

Every translator shall enjoy all the rights with respect to the translation he/she has made, which the country where he/she exercises his/her activities grants to other intellectual workers.
A translation, being a creation of the intellect, shall enjoy the legal protection accorded to such works.
The translator is therefore the holder of copyright in his/her translation and consequently has the same privileges as the author of the original work.
The translator shall thus enjoy, with respect to his/her translation, all the moral rights of succession conferred by his/her authorship.
He/she shall consequently enjoy during his/her lifetime the right to recognition of his/her authorship of the translation, from which it follows, inter alia, that

(a) his/her name shall be mentioned clearly and unambiguously whenever his/her translation is used publicly;
(b) he/she shall be entitled to oppose any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his/her translation;
(c) publishers and other users of his/her translation shall not make changes therein without the translator's prior consent;
(d) he/she shall be entitled to prohibit any improper use of his/her translation and, in general, to resist any attack upon it that is prejudicial to his/her honour or reputation.
Furthermore, the exclusive right to authorize the publication, presentation, broadcasting, re-translation, adaptation, modification or other rendering of his/her translation, and, in general, the right to use his/her translation in any form shall remain with the translator.
For every public use of his/her translation the translator shall be entitled to remuneration at a rate fixed by contract or law.

The translator must be assured of living conditions enabling him/her to carry out with efficiency and dignity the social task conferred on him/her.
The translator shall have a share in the success of his/her work and shall, in particular, be entitled to remuneration proportional to the commercial proceeds from the work he/she has translated.
It must be recognized that translation can also arise in the form of commissioned work and acquire as such rights to remuneration independent of commercial profits accruing from the work translated.
The translating profession, like other professions, shall enjoy in every country a protection equal to that afforded to other professions in that country, by collective agreements, standard contracts, etc.
Translators in every country shall enjoy the advantages granted to intellectual workers, and particularly of all social insurance schemes, such as old-age pensions, health insurance, unemployment benefits and family allowances.


2. Translators’ Societies and Unions

In common with members of other professions, translators shall enjoy the right to form professional societies or unions.
In addition to defending the moral and material interests of translators, these organizations shall have the task of ensuring improvement in standards of translation and of dealing with all other matters concerning translation.
They shall exert their influence on public authorities in the preparation and introduction of legal measures and regulations concerning the profession.
They shall strive to maintain permanent relations with organizations which are users of translations (publishers' associations, industrial and commercial enterprises, public and private authorities, the press, etc.) for the purpose of studying and finding solutions to their common problems.
In watching over the quality of all works translated in their countries, they shall keep in touch with cultural organizations, societies of authors, national sections of the Pen Club, literary critics, learned societies, universities, and technical and scientific research institutes.
They shall be competent to act as arbiters and experts in all disputes arising between translators and users of translations.
They shall have the right to give advice on the training and recruitment of translators, and to co-operate with specialized organizations and universities in the pursuit of these aims.
They shall endeavor to collect information of interest to the profession from all sources and to place it at the disposal of translators in the form of libraries, files, journals and bulletins, for which purpose they shall establish theoretical and practical information services, and organize seminars and meetings.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 659. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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