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Exercise 5. Fill the blanks with the appropriate words.

1. _____ it! Tell all your friends about it!

a) publicise;

b) advertise.

2. The ______ his ideas have attracted has only deepened the tragedy.

a) publicity;

b) advertisement.

3."Without _____ there can be no public support, and without public support every nation must decay." (Benjamin Disraeli)

a) publicity;

b) advertisement.

4. The explosion in ______ space has not been matched by demand.

a) advertising;

b) publicity.

5. "It strikes me as bad manners for a magazine to accept one of my ______ and then attack it editorially – like inviting a man to dinner then spitting in his eye." (David Ogilvy)

a) advertisement;

b) advertisements.

6. There will be three new national radio networks, desperately seeking ____.

a) advertisements;

b) commercials.

7. The retailer needs to know the best time to _____ seasonal goods; e.g. camping equipment.

a) publicise;

b) advertise.

8. "Any ____ is good ____."

a) advertisement... advertisement;

b) advertising... advertising;

c) publicity... publicity.

9. How are you going to ______ the performance? Posters, leaflets, a special newsletter?

a) publicise;

b) advertise.

10. They answered an _____ to cook lunches for visiting parties of Americans.

a) advertisement;

b) publicity.

11. "Live by ____, you'll probably die by _____." (Russell Baker)

a) publicity... advertising;

b) publicity... publicity;

c) publicity... advertisement.

12. "Not at all funny," said the management. "An _____ will now replace the offending article".

a) advertisement;

b) publicity.

13. He described the arrests as a _____ stunt designed to appease the voters.

a) publicity;

b) advertising.

14. We’d be very grateful you could help to _____ "Breathe Easy" by displaying for distribution posters and leaflets.

a) advertise;

b) publicise.

15. All over Ireland, posters _____ pilgrim coach tours to Knock.

a) publicise;

b) advertise.

16. C & G was prosecuted for _____ displayed in branch windows at Exeter and Okehampton.

a) advertising;

b) advertisement.

17. They forced the withdrawal of a medical ____ which invited doctors to prescribe tranquillisers.

a) advertisement;

b) publicity.

18. Three major TV networks immediately cancelled his anti-smoking_______.

a) publicity;

b) commercials.

19. Little hard news has come out of the world's biggest _____ group since it put the division on the block.

a) advertisement;

b) advertising.

20. To me, that _____ is saying: Here's our make-up, have some.

a) advertisement;

b) publicity.


Exercise 6. Fill in the appropriate words:

1) ads; 2) ads; 3) advertise; 4) advertisement; 5) advertising; 6) advertising; 7) advertising; 8) an advertisement; 9) and; 10) commercials; 11) consumer; 12) in advertisements; 13) of; 14) of; 15) on the advertisement hoarding; 16) or; 17) our identity; 18) publicise; 19) publicity; 20) publicity; 21) social life; 22) the; 23) to; 24) to publicise; 25) with; 26) advertising.

1. Footballers a) _______ everything from double-glazing b)_______ Guinness on

their shirts.

2. You might consider c)______ in local newspapers, magazines d)____ church


3. Professional fundraisers utilize e)____ powerful medium of f) _____ in their

national press.

4. The case received wide g)_______.

5. "Sixty percent h)________ the newspaper space may be filled i) _____, but that

j)________ does not command sixty percent of the average reader's attention. We are inured to most of these advertisements and k)__________; they wash over us without even dampening the skin. We often do not stop to even read or watch the l)___________ at all, and when we do, they rarely penetrate or connect with our consciousness, let alone transform m)_______. True, we are all persuaded and seduced from time to time by these n)_______, encouraged to make irrational impulsive o)_____ choices. But that kind of persuasion and seduction is endemic to p)__________; we run across it constantly and develop mechanisms to filter it out q)________ fend it off." (Rodney A. Smolla).

6. Joint meetings were held in East London to r)_________ the benefits s)______

cooperative shopping.

7. "It has been found that the less t)_______ looks like an u) __________, and the

more it looks like an editorial, the more readers stop, look and read. Therefore, study the graphics used by editors and imitate them. Study the graphics used v) __________, and avoid them." (David Ogilvy)

8. Sport is the perfect medium for w) ____. It guarantees record viewing figures

in Italy.

9. The authors of the paper called a press conference x) ________ their findings.

10. Then she saw how the Oxo boy y) _______ smiled. (Mark Davies).


Exercise 7. Match the words from the text to their corresponding definitions:

1) product; 2) public relations; 3) publicity; 4) promotion; 5) product line; 6) product mix; 7) promotional mixer; 8) product offer; 9) product differentiation; 10) production goods.

a) any physical good, service, or idea that satisfies a want or need;

b) the attempt to create product perception in the minds of consumers that one product seems superior to others;

c) a group of products that are physically similar or are intended for a similar market;

d) the combination of products offered by a manufacturer;

e) consists of all tangibles and intangibles that consumers evaluate when deciding whether or not to buy smth.;

f) industrial goods such as grain and steel that enter into the final product;

g) an attempt by marketers to persuade others to participate in an exchange relationship with them;

h) the combination of tools marketers use to promote their products or services;

i) any information about an individual, a product, or an organization that is distributed to the public through the media and that is not paid for or controlled by the sponsor;

j) the management function that evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or an organization with the public interest, and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 628. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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