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Exercise 6. Match the beginning and the end of the sentences.

1. We advertise extensively…

2. The threat proved successful. I wanted to publicise…

3. Some publicise the London…

4. HTV's advertising revenue…

5. We will be pleased to advertise job…

6. Of course she is an expert in…

7. A, B and C are taken from three…

8. "There’s no such thing…

9. They are planning a blitz of television…

10. "Advertising is the art of making…

a) …commercials, town-hall meetings and phone-ins.

b) …TV commercials which feature three different services.

c) …vacancies relating to frontier youth work.

d) …publicity and the use of the media.

e) …Zoo more than others.

f) …as bad publicity.”

g) …whole lies out of half truths." (Edgar A. Shoaff)

h) …rose 11.8 per cent to £101.8m.

i) …so your property is seen by more people.

j) …this outcome without making the implied criticism too hostile.


Exercise 7. Match the words from the text to their corresponding definitions:

1) brand; 2) general merchandise wholesaler; 3) advertising; 4) brand name; 5) four Ps of marketing; 6) full-service wholesaler; 7) cash-and-carry wholesaler; 8) drop shipper; 9) convenience goods and services.

a) paid, non personal communication through various media by organizations and individuals who are in some way identified in the advertising message;

b) a name, symbol, or design (or combination of these) that identifies the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and distinguishes them from those of competitors;

c) word, letter, or group of words or letters that differentiate the goods and services of a seller from those of competitors;

d) a limited function wholesaler that serves mostly smaller retailers with a limited assortment of products they sell for cash;

e) products that the consumer wants to purchase frequently and with a minimum effort;

f) a limited function wholesaler that solicits order from retailers and other wholesalers and has the merchandise shipped directly from a producer to a buyer;

g) product, price, place and promotion;

h) a merchant wholesaler that performs all eight distribution functions;


Exercise 8. Fill in the appropriate words:

a) advertisements; b) advertising hoardings; c) advertising says to people commercials; d) decided not to publicise; e) for this slimming diet; f) hoardings; g) huge hoardings; h) on buses and hoardings; i) our own television commercials; j) publicity; k) radio; l) team; m) the vocabulary of advertising; n) to advertise; o) without publicity; p) your advertising.

1. "The most important word in________is test. If you pretest your product with

consumers, and pretest________, you will do well in the marketplace." (David Ogilvy)

2. "______contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper." (Mark Twain)

3. He has threatened to pull down advertising__________in English.

4. His photograph was displayed_________.

5. I don’t think she’s a very good advertisement________ produced in the south.

6. Pepsi cancelled her__________.

7. The aid agencies working there_________ the report...

8. If you would like ____ in this new format please contact the Advertising_____.

9. We even made _________ and our own ___________ commercials.

10. The toilets were wrecked and _________ torn from the walls.

11. "_____is the life of this culture – in so far as__________capitalism could not

survive – and at the same time publicity is its dream." (John Berger)

12. Everywhere there are _________ exhorting the workers to buy cheap food.

13. "_____________, 'Here's what we've got. Here's what it will do for you. Here's

how to get it." (Leo Burnett)


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