Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks.
1. Some commercial _____ media include: billboards, ____ flyers, radio, cinema and television ads. a) adverts/print; b) advertising/printed; c) advertisements/printing. 2...... web banners, ____, bus stop benches, magazines, newspapers, ____ criers, sides of buses, taxicab doors and roof mounts,..... a) skywrite/towns; b) skywritten/town; c) skywriting/town. 3...... musical stage shows, elastic bands ___ disposable diapers, stickers on apples ___ supermarkets, the opening section of streaming audio and video, and the backs ____ event tickets. a) on/in/of; b) at/at/off; c) from/into/under. 4. Any place an "identified" sponsor pays to ____ their message through ___ medium is ____. a) delivered/the/advertised;
b) deliver/a/advertising; c) delivering/an/adverts. 5. Covert advertising embedded ____ other entertainment media is ___ as product placement. a) on/know; b) at/known; c) in/known.
6. The TV commercial is generally ____ the most effective ____-market advertising format.... a) consider/massive; b) considered/mass; c) considering/masses. 7..... and this is reflected by the ____ prices TV networks charge for commercial airtime ____ popular TV events. a) high/during; b) big/for; c) large/since. 8. The ____ US Super Bowl football game is known as much for its ____ advertisements as for the game itself,.... a) every year/commercials; b) annually/commerce; c) annual/commercial. 9..... and the average cost of a ____ thirty-second TV spot ___ this game has reached $2.3 million (as of 2004). a) one/for; b) single/during; c) unique/since. 10. A brand franchise _____________ to a greater or lesser degree depending on product and market. a) would be accomplished; b) will have been effected; c) can be established. 11. In Texas, for example, ______________ to hear people refer to any soft drink as a Coke..... a) it is common things; b) weren't usual times; c) were uncommon. 12.... regardless of whether ___________ by Coca-Cola or not (more accurate terms would be 'cola' or 'soda'). a) they have actual productions; b) it is actually produced; c) these are actual facts. 13. A legal risk of the brand franchise is that the name _____ so widely accepted… a) can become; b) is becoming; c) may have had become. 14..... that it becomes a ______________,..... a) general terminology; b) generic term; c) general kind of full term. 15..... and _____________________. Examples include "escalator", "aspirin" and "mimeograph". a) lost trading protection; b) loses trademark protection; c) losses of trading. 16. _________________ short or long term increases in sales,... a) some more aims are; b) other objectives include; c) more targets have. 17.... market share, awareness, _______, and image improvement. a) product information; b) production data; c) produce info.