Here are some methods used in persuasive advertising. 1. Repetition. The simplest kind of advertising. A slogan is repeated so often that we begin to associate a brand name with a particular product or service. 2. Endorsement. A popular personality is used in the advertisement, e.g. My yearnings exceed my earnings. 3. Emotional appeal. Advertising often appeals to basics such as mother, love, femininity, manliness. 4. Scientific authority. Sometimes the advert shows a person in a white coat (i.e. a scientist) telling us about the product. More often it mentions “miracle ingredients” or “scientific testing” to persuade us. 5. Comparison. The advert lists the qualities of a product in direct comparison with the rival products. 6. An appeal to fear or anxiety. This type is similar to 3, but works on our fears. 7. Association of ideas. This is usually visual. Until it became illegal in Britain, cigarette advertising showed attractive, healthy people smoking in beautiful rural situations. 8. Information. If a product is new, it may be enough to show it and explain what it does. 9. Special offers/free gifts. This is a very simple and direct appeal – it’s half price! 10. Anti-advertising. This is a modern version which appeals to the British sense of humour. It makes fun of the techniques of advertising.