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Факультет Логистики и транспорта

Студент: Разин Степан

Специальность: 080506

Группа № 2203

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Hello everybody, today I would like to tell you about advertising as the greatest art form of our century. Let me start by considering the facts.

To begin with, advertising or advertizing is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group of people) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common.

Firstly, advertising is a kind of activity which purpose is realization of marketing or other industrial tasks of enterprises and public organizations by distribution of the information paid by them, generated so that to render influence on mass or individual consciousness, causing the reaction of the chosen consumer audience.

Abroad advertisements are usually carried by mass media – newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and by outdoor advertising – signboards, standard boards, hoardings.


Advertising in popular editions is very expensive. Therefore, saving on them, the advertiser risks to lose broad audience of consumers. The advertising is usually bright and eye-catching. At the same time it should be understandable to the reader, the spectator, the student, where advertising and where an editorial material. The form of the advertising reference should correspond to culture and outlook of an advertising audience on which it is directed.

Creative approaches can be different. For example, while advertising the goods of mass demand, as a rule, we must use emotional motives, for products of industrial purpose - rational. But in any case advertising is effective only when meets the following requirements:


1. Market characteristics of the goods are precisely formulated – advertising contains specific information of its use, differences from the goods of competitors;


2. Advertisement promises the consumer essential benefits at purchasing the goods, the advantages of which are given, positive features are singled out in headings of advertising, in illustrations and even in the stylistics of the text and graphic materials;


3. Advertisement contains successful advertising idea - original, attractive, and at the same time easy for understanding and recognition;


4. Advertising creates and introduces in consciousness the clear image of the goods which is thought over in details - a stereotype increasing its value in opinion of consumers;


5. Advertising emphasizes high quality of the offered goods and at the same time itself associates with this high quality;


Advertising in mass media influences broad and consequently is expedient for products and services of wide consumption and mass demand. When there is a question of choice of mass-media the basic reasons "for" and "against" of accepting alternative decisions are: conformity of advertising to target groups of the population potentially interested in the promoted goods; popularity among them the edition, audience of spectators; a fare level for advertising areas or broadcasting time; geography of distribution or action. Naturally, features of concrete means of distribution of advertising are taken into account.

The complex advertising campaigns including the announcements in press, by radio, TV, on hoardings are under construction using the same advertising ideas and creative power so that opportunities of each means of advertising supplement each other.


Advertising in newspapers and magazines has received a wide circulation and on volume of expenses concedes only to advertising on TV. Advertising in newspapers is cheaper than on television. At the same time quality of reproduction of advertising originals in newspapers is usually low. The advertisements placed in them, as a rule, are less attractive, and each edition has simultaneously many such announcements, in this connection influence of any of them is separately reduced.

Advantage of radio over other mass media is: a 24-hour announcement to many regions and a variety of programs. Radio is listened to in inhabited and industrial rooms, in the kitchen, walking on clean air, in the car. Therefore the advertisements placed in corresponding radio programs, cover significant percent of audience of consumers, irrespective of where they are - at job, on rest, in a way. The radio advertising is operative and has low cost. At the same time during recognition of the advertising references broadcast by radio, sight through which the person receives up to 90 % of information does not participate. Besides the radio advertising complicates an establishment of bilateral communications with the consumer. Often the consumer does not have a pencil, a paper to write down the information transferred in the announcement.

Television announcements include images, sounds, movements, color and consequently render on audience much greater influence, than announcements in other mass media. Advertising on TV becomes more and more interesting, informative and at the same time complex and expensive in manufacture, especially if it is based on computer's schedule.

In the United States a wide range of advertising media has been developed from sources which potential importance formerly was ignored. Delivery trucks, once plainly painted, now often carry institutional or product messages, as do many shipping cartoons. Some packages carry advertising for products other than those contained in them. Wrapping paper and shopping bags bearing advertisements are also means of advertising that are used widely by retail stores.

Advertising is an essential part of business. Ads are necessary either for the manufacturer or for the buyer. They are necessary for the manufacturer because they produce knowledge about it, create preferences, stimulate thoughts and actions about the product. Advertising is one of the most important factors in accelerating the distribution of the products. And it is necessary for the buyer because we learn information about the product from ads. Adverts are trustworthy because advertising cannot turn a poor product into a good one. But what it can do and it really does is to create an awareness about both old and new products.

To add, I would like to say that In 2010, spending on advertising was estimated at $142.5 billion in the United States and $467 billion worldwide

Internationally, the largest ("big four") advertising conglomerates are Interpublic, Omnicom, Publicis, and WPP.

In conclusion I can say that advertising research is key to determining the success of an ad in any country or region.

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