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Grammar Study

Exercise 1. Change the following to the Tense given in the brackets:

a) Mr. Morris is tall and thin and has a rather long face. (Past Indefinite Tense)

b) He had a brother and a sister. They were twins. (Present Indefinite Tense)

c) There are very few nurseries in the region we live. (Past Indefinite Tense)

d) I was a post-graduate student. (Future Indefinite Tense)

e) He was a temporary postman. (Present Indefinite Tense)

f) My wife has professional knowledge of French. (Past Indefinite Tense)

g) It was the largest higher educational institution in the Far East. (Present Indefinite Tense)

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences making the second part negative:

1. My parents are still alive, but my father-in-law….

2. My sister is a worker, but her friend….

3. I was a student of the University, but my wife…

4. My nephew David will be a pupil this September, but my niece….

5. I had various jobs during vacation, but my girlfriend….

6. I was married in 1994, but my brother….

7. I have a lot of English friends, but my brother….

h) My mother-in-law has three grandchildren, but my grandmother….


Exercise 3. Fill in the spaces with pronouns:

1. Mr. Morris is an Englishman in … mid thirties.

2 … parents are still alive.

3. She has to stay at home and look after … children.

4. I was very active at school and was a member of … clubs and societies.

5. I got a grant and … parents helped me, of course.

6. My mother-in-law is a pensioner and likes looking after … grandchildren.

7. I passed … entrance exams successfully.

8. My dad advised … to enter the university.

9. One of … uncles is a world traveller. I like to listen to … stories.

Exercise 4. Choose the correct pronouns:

1. We started (our, us) course by spending two weeks in a local primary school.

2. Look at the building. (It, its) is beautiful.

3. We hope they will take (our, us) to the library.

4. Whose text-book is this? – (Mine, my).

5. The school is new, and (it, its) laboratories are well-equipped.

6. We studied at comprehensive school with (them, their).

7. What about (you, your)? Are you going to the dining-room?

8. It is possible for students in (them, their) final year at school to take additional subjects.

9. How is (you, your) practice? – I hope to hear from (you, your) soon.

10. From (my, mine) point of view, it will be interesting for both of us to compare (our, us) experiences.


Exercise 5. Finish the sentences using the pronouns: myself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

1. First of all I’d like to introduce ….

2. In the USA the students choose their subjects at school ….

3. We observed lessons in various classes and gave lessons ….

4. She made the decision to enter the University ….

5. I was afraid of the visits of Miss Knight, but then I found out she was nervous ….

6. You can do it ….

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 429. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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