Ex.11. Consult a dictionary and say whether these expressions refer to earning a high or a low salary. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. I've been an actor for years, earning a crust wherever I can. 2. We are tired of working for peanuts. 3. She is rolling in money. 4. She expects her employees to work for a pittance. 5. I bet he gets a nice fat salary. 6. He knew her family was loaded. 7. He made a fortune from mining.
Exercises in Comprehension
Ex.1. Answer the following questions: 1. What is seen as one of the most important forces in motivating the workforce? 2. What is income? 3. What does a whitecollar worker receive for his/her work? 4. What does a bluecollar worker receive for his/her work? 5. Where do employees receive a commission? 6. What is a fee paid for? 7. What are fringe benefits? 8. What may a benefits package include? 9. What is a golden handshake? 10. What are bonuses usually paid for?
Ex.2. Explain the difference between: s salary and wages; s income and fringe benefits.
Ex.3. Sum up what the text says about: s income, s bonuses and fringe benefits s a compensation package for an executive leaving a company
Grammar Revision