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Radical and Postmodernist Criticism

One characteristic of a scientific theory is that it should be value-free. However, analysis of many approaches in political science reveals that the models upon which they are based, the theories they support frequently imply a clear set of values. If we consider Almond’s functionalist model, it seems clearly to view politics as maintaining political stability by reconciling political interests in a system. This is done by a state that functions through traditional legal rules. This model stresses values of ‘pluralism’ and consensus.

The rival approach to political analysis stressing individualism and consensus is to consider the collectivist and conflict-oriented view of politics put forward by Marxists. There are many varieties of Marxism. But the basic model, stemming back to Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto, is of a society divided into large collectivities (classes) whose interests are in basic conflict. The only long-term resolution of such conflicts which results from the basic relationship of exploitation between the capitalist bourgeoisie (the owners of the ‘means of production’) and the proletariat (‘wage-slaves’) is through a socialist revolution.

More recently a number of radical feminist writers have emerged. They too see society primarily in terms of an exploitative relationship (‘patriarchy’) between collectivities (adult heterosexual males versus the rest). Like later Marxists they stress cultural and media aspects of political relationships, but also stress the political aspects of personal relationships.

The radical writers do not dismiss the science of politics. They merely question the assumptions upon which contemporary analysts work. Postmodernist critics, influenced by philosophers such as Wittgenstein and Foucault, however, throw doubt upon the possibility of analysis of political behaviour. They stress that the very language used to describe political events is the product of struggles between different users of language. Traditionally political science assumes the primacy of the nation state and political conflicts based upon producer interests. Postmodernist critics often stress the impact of globalization and consumerism.


1 Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and expressions.

To reveal, to imply, rival, exploitation, bourgeoisie, means of production, to emerge, patriarchy, globalization, consumerism.


2 Translate words and word combinations from Ukrainian into English and use them in your own sentences.

Узгоджувати, плюралізм, радикальна феміністка, сукупність, наголошувати, першість.

3 Complete the sentences.

1. One characteristic...

2. Postmodernist critics...

3. The only long-term resolution...

4. Traditionally political science...

5. But the basic model...


4 Comprehension questions.

1. Are values implied in political science?

2. What approaches to political science can be singled out? What does each approach focus on?

3. What is the main difference between functionalist model and conflict-oriented view of politics?

4. In what are Marxism and radical feminism similar?

5. What approach do postmodernist critics support?

6. How is language connected to political analysis in postmodernist approach?


5 Say if the following statements are true according to the text.

1. A scientific theory is always value-free.

2. Functionalist model of political science stresses values of ‘pluralism’ and consensus.

3. Marxists focus on collectivist and conflict-oriented view of politics.

4. Consensus is the only long-term resolution of conflict between bourgeoisie and the proletariat in Marxism.

5. Radical feminist writers see society in basic conflict.

6. Radical feminist writers believe that patriarchy relationship is exploitative.

7. Postmodernist critics believe that it is impossible to analyze political behaviour.

8. Globalization is important part of analysis for postmodernist critics.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 611. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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