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Concepts, Models and Theories

Concepts, models and theories are tools of political analysis. However, as with most things in politics, the analytical tools must be used with care. First, let us consider concepts. A concept is a general idea about something, usually expressed in a single world or a short phrase. The conceptof ‘presidency’ refers not only to any specific president, but rather to a set of ideas about the organization of executive power.

What, then, is the value of concepts? Concepts are the tools with which we think, criticize, argue, explain and analyze. Concepts also help us to classify objects by recognizing that they have similar forms or similar properties. It is no exaggeration to say that out knowledge of the political world is built up through developing and refining concepts which help us make sense of that world. Concepts, in that sense, are the building blocks of human knowledge.

Models and theories are broader than concepts, they comprise a range of ideas rather than a single idea. A model is usually thought of as a representation of something, usually on a smaller scale. In this sense, the purpose of the model is to resemble the original object as faithfully as possible. However, conceptual models need not in any way resemble an object. It would be absurd, for instance, to insist that a computer model of the economy should bear a physical resemblance to the economy itself. Rather, conceptual models are analytical tools. The facts do not speak for themselves, they must be interpreted, and they must be organized. Models assist in the accomplishment of this task.

The terms ‘theory’ and ‘model’ are often used interchangeably in politics. Theories and models are both conceptual constructs used as tools of political analysis. However, strictly speaking a theory is a proposition. It offers a systematic explanation of a body of empirical data. In contrast, a model is merely an explanatory device; it is more like a hypothesis that has yet to be tested. In that sense, in politics, while theories can be said to be more or less ‘true’, models can only be said to be more or less ‘useful’. Clearly, however, theories and models are often interlinked: broad political theories may be explained in terms of a series of models. For example, the theory of pluralism encompasses a model of electoral competition, a model of group politics, and so on.


1 Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and expressions.

Concept, tool, to argue, scale, interchangeably.

2 Translate words and word combinations from Ukrainian into English and use them in your own sentences.

Президентство, емпіричний, гіпотеза, виборчий.

3 Complete the sentences.

1. Concepts are...

2. However, conceptual models...

3. Clearly, however, theories...

4. A concept is...

5. Theories and models...


4 Comprehension questions.

1. What are concepts?

2. What do concepts help researchers to do?

3. Are models and theoriesbroader than concepts?

4. What is the relation between the terms ‘theory’ and ‘model’ in politics?

5. What theories are mentioned in the text?


5 Say if the following statements are true according to the text.

1. Concepts, models and theories are empirical tools of political analysis.

2. A concept is usually expressed in a single world or a short phrase.

3. Models help us to classify objects.

4. Models and theories comprise several ideas.

5. Conceptual models should always resemble an object.

6. A model offers a systematic explanation of a body of empirical data.

Project Work. Work in pairs. Match the quotation to the author. To what extent do you agree with the quotation? What are the implications of your answer for political philosophy? Find the information about the author of the quotation(s) you agree with, explain the meaning of the author’s ideas for his epoch and history of political science. Prepare a 3-5 minutes PowerPoint presentation about the author you chose.

  Author   Quotation
  Hegel   a “The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom.”
  Hobbes b “All mankind...being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.”
  Locke c “It is the greatest good to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong.”
  Foucault   d “What experience and history teaches us is that people and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.”
  Locke e “...the pursuit of self-interest places human beings in a condition of universal war.”
  Bentham f “Freedom of conscience entails more dangers than authority and despotism.”
  Hobbes g “It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law.”  



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