Approaches to the Study of Politics
One of the joys, and also one of the frustrations, of the study of politics lies in the variety of approaches adopted by academic writers to the subject. This is a joy because within one course of study you will be introduced to a rich spectrum of writing ranging from classic philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, through radical sociologists such as C. Wright Mills and Pareto, to modern social scientists such as Robert Dahl. It is frustrating because the conclusions of such writers cannot be simply accumulated to form political scientist’s view of politics. The three main academic approaches to the study of politics can be described as ‘traditional scholarship’, ‘social science’ and ‘radical criticism’. They might also be thought of as the British, the American and the French approaches. ‘Traditional scholars’ often look at one specific country, political institution, theoretical concept or writer in depth, often with the tools of another academic discipline – especially history or philosophy. Thus the core of the politics curriculum in Britain, at least until recently, has been the study of individual British political institutions in their historical context; the great political philosophers; and ‘comparative government’. The latter was the study of American, French and Soviet government and politics separately. In continental Europe politics has often been a subsidiary part of departments of faculties of law, sociology or history. ‘Social scientists’ have generalizing approach in which scholars of politics try to derive general theories or laws about the nature of political behaviour. For example, a typical American-style curriculum presents political science as one of a group of related social science disciplines, including sociology and economics, all using modern quantitative/computer oriented methods of ‘analyzing data’ scientifically. ‘Radical critics’ do not deny the need to produce useful generalizations from the study of politics. They focus not on academic discipline but on a general doctrine calling for the radical change of existing (Western) societies – most frequently some variety of Marxism, ecological, theological or feminist perspective. The bases of the distinction are: a) what writers see their task, b) the methods they use, c) the level and type of their analysis, d) the values they share and support.
1 Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and expressions. Frustration, approach, concept, in depth, curriculum, subsidiary, generalization.
2 Translate words and word combinations from Ukrainian into English and use them in your own sentences. Підхід, філософ, соціолог, факультет, доктрина, теологічний.
3 Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the list. Generalizing approach, political institution, approach, classic philosophers, approach, social sciences. 1. The oldest ______ to the study of politics is philosophical that is also known by the name of ethical ______. 2. The following ______ political _______ and texts should be added to the list: Aristotle, The Politics; Machiavelli, The Prince; G. Hegel, The Philosophy of Right. 3. The discussion and description of ______ ______ established by the constitution and their functions, and how they compare in different countries have been the main focus of this book. 4. The formal ______ ______ should be applied in the study of social phenomena which are characteristic of all societies. 5. The ______ _______ include sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, political science, public administration and history.
4 Complete the sentences. 1. In continental Europe... 2. ‘Traditional scholars’ often look... 3. ‘Radical critics’ do not... 4. The bases of the distinction... 5. Thus the core of the politics... 6. The three main academic approaches... 7. For example...
5 Comprehension questions. 1. What approaches can be adopted by academic writers on politics? 2. How many approaches to the study of politics can be singled out? What are their characteristic features? 3. What do students of political science learn in British universities? 4. What approach focuses on the nature of political behaviour? 5. What kind of change do ‘radical critics’ want to see in the society? Give example of ‘radical critics’.
6 Say if the following statements are true according to the text. 1. Variety of approaches to the study of politics is a positive trait of the subject. 2. Plato and Aristotle are radical sociologists. 3. Conclusions of different writes cannot be accumulated by political scientists. 4. There are four main approaches to the study of politics. 5. ‘Traditional scholarship’ is an American approach. 6. ‘Traditional scholarship’ means studying American, French and Soviet government and politics separately. 7. In American universities students learn political science among other social science disciplines like sociology. 8. ‘Radical critics’ want to see change in Western societies.