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Defining Politics

The world ‘politics’ is derived from polis (Greek), literally meaning city-state. (Ancient Greek society was divided into a collection of independent city-states, each of which possessed its own system of government). The modern form of this definition is therefore ‘what concerns the state’. To study politics is in essence to study government, or more broadly, the exercise of authority.

Politics is what takes place within a polity, a system of social organizations centered upon the machinery of government. Politics is therefore practiced in cabinet rooms, legislative chambers, government departments and the like and it is engaged in by a limited and specific group of people. Businesses, schools and other educational institutions, community groups, families and so on are in this sense ‘nonpolitical’ because they are not engaged in ‘running the country’.

The definition can be narrowed still further. This is evident in tendency to treat politics as equivalent of party politics. In other words, the realm of ‘the political’ is restricted to those state actors who are consciously motivated by organization such as a political party.

The link between politics and the affairs of the state also helps to explain why negative images have so often been attached to politics. This is because in the popular mind, politics is closely associated with the activities of politicians. But brutally, the politicians are often seen as power-seeking hypocrites who conceal personal ambitions behind the rhetoric of public service and ideological conviction. This rejection of the personnel and machinery of conventional political life is clearly evident in the use of derogatory phrases such as ‘office politics’ and ‘politicking’. But without some kind of mechanism for allocating authoritative values, society would simply disintegrate into a civil war of each against all. The task is therefore not to abolish politicians and to bring politics to an end, but rather to ensure that politics is conducted within a framework of checks and constraints that ensure that government power is not abused.

Thus, politics is the activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live. Politics is also an academic subject, it is clearly concerned which the study of this activity.

Politics is also linked to the phenomena of conflict and cooperation (the existence of rival opinions, different wants, competing needs and opposing interests guarantees disagreement about the rules under which people live). This is why the heart of politics is often portrayed as a process of conflict resolution, in which rival views or competing interests are reconciled with one another.


1 Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and expressions.

To be derived from, city-state, government, authority, machinery, department, politician, derogatory, to amend, rival.


2 Translate words and word combinations from Ukrainian into English and use them in your own sentences.

Суспільство, визначення, керівництво, законодавчий, навчальний заклад, управляти країною, державна служба, громадянська війна, розподіл, ліквідувати, гарантувати, система стримуваньі противаг, зловживати, вносити поправки, співпраця, усунути розбіжності.

3 Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the list.

Legislative chambers, party politics, government, polity, city-state, politicians, departments.

1. _______, or ancient Greek city-state, represents the largest of all city-state cultures.

2. Estonia is the first country to develop a policy document for cooperation in the region and is currently developing a new mechanism for ______ funding.

3. For almost seven centuries, the Thai _______ was under the rule of absolute monarchy.

4. Federation's upper ______ _________ is designed to give federal subjects - their governments or citizens - direct representation in the center.

5. In addition to the 11 government ________, there exists in Northern Ireland a substantial number of other organizations within the public sector.

6. ______ ________ refers to actions or political behaviors motivated by what is best or right for the political party.

7. The public tends to be too passive or indifferent when the ________ decide to send soldiers into battle.


4 Complete the sentences.

1. The task is therefore not to abolish politicians....

2. Politics is therefore practiced.......

3. This is why the heart of politics.....

4. The modern form of this definition.......

5. In other words, the realm of ‘the political’.....

6. The link between politics.....

7. But without some kind.....

8. Politics is also linked to.....

5 Comprehension questions.

1. What is the origin of the term “politics”?

2. Where is politics practiced? What does it include?

3. How can politics be defined?

4. What is the connection between politics and politicians, politics of the state and political parties?

5. What image do politicians have in public mind?

6. How are politics and conflicts connected?

6 Say if the following statements are true according to the text.

1. Ancient Greek society was divided into national states.

2. Term ‘politics’ means ‘what concerns the state’.

3. ‘Polity’ is the same as ‘political party’.

4. Not all members of society and not all institutions are included in politics.

5. Politics has no negative images.

6. In popular mind politicians are the models of honesty and truthfulness.

7. Politicians should not be abolished because it would lead to civil war.

8. Checks and constraints are never used in politics.

9. Cooperation is not important in politics.

10. The heart of politics is resolution of conflicts.


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