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Different Views of Politics

Politics as the art of government. ‘Politics is not a science … but an art’ as Chancellor Bismarck told the German Reichstag. The art Bismarck had in mind was the art of government, the exercise of control within society through the making and enforcement of collective decisions. This is perhaps the classical definition of politics, developed from the original meaning of the term in Ancient Greece.

Politics as public affairs. The second and broader conception of politics moves it beyond the narrow realm of government to what is thought of as ‘public affairs’. On the basis of ‘public/private’ division, politics is restricted to the activities of the state itself and the responsibilities which are properly exercised by public bodies (the apparatus of government, the courts, the police, the army, the society-security system and so forth).

Politics as compromise and consensus. The third conception of politics relates not so much to the arena within which politics is conducted as to the way in which decisions are made. Specifically, politics is seen as a particular means of resolving conflict, that is by compromise, conciliation and negotiation, rather than through force and power. This is implied when politics is portrayed as ‘the art of the possible’. Such is the definition in the everyday use of the term. For instance, the description of a solution to a problem as a ‘political’ solution implies peaceful debate and arbitration, as opposed to what is often called a ‘military’ solution.

Politics as power. The fourth definition of politics is both the broadest and the most radical. This view sees politics at work in all social activities and in every corner of human existence. At its broadest, politics concerns the production, distribution and use of resources in the course of social existence, but the essential ingredient is the existence of scarcity. The simple fact that, while human needs and desires are infinite, the resources available to satisfy them are always limited, politics can therefore be seen as a struggle over scarce resources, and power can be seen as the means through which this struggle is conducted.


1 Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and expressions.

Exercise, public affairs, realm, consensus, arbitration, infinite, struggle, scarcity.


2 Translate words and word combinations from Ukrainian into English and use them in your own sentences.

Реалізація, суд, компроміс, вирішувати, примирення, переговори, обговорення.

3 Match the notions on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. Cooperation a. competition between opposing

forces, reflecting diversity of

opinions, preferences, needs

or interest.

2. State b. disillusionment with formal

and established political

processes, reflected in non-

participation, support for anti-

system parties or the use of

direct actions

3. Power c. working together, achieving

goals through collective


4. Authority d. a political association that

establishes sovereign

jurisdiction within defined

territorial borders and

exercises authority through a

set of permanent institutions

5. Conflict e. ability to influence the

behavior of others.

6. Anti-polities f. legitimate power, rightfulness.

7. General will g. the genuine interests of a

collective body, equivalent to

the common good.


4 Complete the sentences

1. On the basis of ‘public/private’...

2. At its broadest, politics...

3. The art Bismarck had...

4. The simple fact that...

5. For instance, the description...

6. Specifically, politics is seen...

5 Comprehension questions.

1. Which of the definitions is the closest to the meaning of the term ‘politics’ in Ancient Greece?

2. How are broad and narrow definitions of politics different?

3. What kind of compromise does politics involve? How can politics help to resolve conflicts?

4. What is the role of politics in the distribution of resources in society?

5. What kind of struggle is conducted in human society?


6 Say if the following statements are true according to the text.

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