The Powers of Parliament
The three elements which make up Parliament – the Queen, the House of Lords and the elected House of Commons – are based on different principles. They meet together only on occasions of symbolic significance such as the state opening of Parliament, when the Commons are summoned by the Queen to the House of Lords. The agreement of all three is required for legislation. The main functions of Parliament are: to pass laws; to provide, by voting taxation, the means of carrying on the work of government; to examine government policy and administration, including proposals for expenditure; and to debate the major political issues of the day. By custom, Parliament is also informed before all important international treaties and agreements are ratified. The making of treaties is a royal prerogative and is not subject to parliamentary approval. 1 Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and expressions. To review the work of administration, to make/amend laws, to meet expenses, emergency, taxation, occasions of symbolic significance, to impose legal restraints, to assert supremacy, to vote taxation, meeting of Parliament.
2 Translate words and word combinations from Ukrainian into English and use them in your own sentences. Керувати діяльністю уряду, розробляти стратегію діяльності, на вимогу короля / королеви, оплачувати витрати, надавати допомогу, скасувати існуючі традиції, визнавати верховенство, приймати закони, виконувати функції, не підлягати схваленню парламентом, перерва (в роботі парламенту), пропонована програма законодавчих заходів. 3 Complete the sentences. 1. What are the elements of Parliament? 2. What were the functions of the Parliament? 3. When does the Queen meet the Parliament? 4. Does Parliament ratify international treaties?