Conservatism. Thatcherism and Neo-Conservatism
It can be argued that conservatism is more of an attitude than a doctrine. In every society many people are happy to conserve the existing values and institutions of that society. Some components of a basic conservative can be singled out: a stress on the need for ‘law and order’ measures and strong armed forces, the need to support existing authority, nationalism and support for ‘family values’. The state is seen as a partnership between the generations, ‘between those who are living and those who are dead’. In Britain the Conservative Party has supported both the throne and the Established Church. In the United States the symbols of partnership between the generations are now the national and state constitutions, the flag, prayers in schools. British Conservatives, however were much influenced by Disraeli’s [1804–1881] doctrine of ‘One Nation’, popularized in his novel Sybil and his political practice as prime minister (1868 and 1874–1880). His idea was that national unity should be preserved through a direct appeal to the interests of the working classes on the part of Tory governments. In the nineteenth century the Conservatives were still led by aristocratic leadership who combined ideas of ‘noblesse oblige’ with an inclination to ‘dish the Whigs’ by adopting popular social measures. The doctrine called ‘Thatcherism’ in Britain originated in the United States with such thinkers as Hayek and Milton Friedman, and was advocated by Ronald Reagan in his Republican presidential campaigns. Its practical influence was on the Conservative administration from 1979 to 1997, led for most of that period by Margaret Thatcher. The Thatcherites have – unlike usual British conservative pragmatism – insisted on one theoretical analysis in policy areas. They insisted on the introduction of market mechanisms and privatization even in prisons, the Post Office and the armed forces. ‘Thatcherism’ can be seen as a variety of liberalism because it insists on the free market, individualism and electoral democracy. However, it supports the Crown, ‘traditional family values’ and a suspicion of internationalism like the conservative tradition. More recently, in the United States, a prominent ‘neo-conservative’ group supporting the George W. Bush administration has adopted similar economic and nationalist policies. In the US context, conservatism includes the belief in the compulsory export of liberal institutions to the South – including Iraq and Afghanistan. The United Nations is the focus for a suspicion of international institutions. Conservatism by its nature continually evolves in response to economic and social changes. Neo-conservatism is still popular, but new trend ‘crusty conservatism’ is becoming even more influential. The best known politician who supports ‘crusty conservatism’ in the UK is David Cameron, the Conservative Party leader, who stresses environmental and social issues. 1 Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and expressions. Law and order, direct appeal, noblesse oblige, free market.
2 Complete the sentences. 1. In the US context... 2. Some components of a basic conservative... 3. They insisted on... 4. In Britain the Conservative Party... 5. Conservatism by its nature... 6. The doctrine called ‘Thatcherism’... 7. More recently, in the United States... 8. The best known politician... 3 Comprehension questions. 1. What does term ‘conservative’ mean? 2. What are the basic values of conservatism? What institutions does it support? 3. What is the difference between British and American conservatism? What are the famous conservative politicians? 4. In what way did Disraeli’s ideas influence conservatism? 5. What does Thatcherism support? What is the difference between Thatcherism and conservatism? 6. How does conservatism evolve? What ideas do neo-conservatives support? 7. What are the neo-conservative trends in Great Britain and the United States? What prominent politicians support neo-conservatism?
4 Say if the following statements are true according to the text. 1. Conservatism is basically a doctrine. 2. Conservatism stresses family values. 3. For conservatives state is a partnership between different generations. 4. In Britain the Conservative Party has never supported the Queen. 5. Disraeli’s doctrine was popularized in his novel ‘One Nation’ and his political practice as Chancellor. 6. In the nineteenth century the Conservatives were still led by religious leadership. 7. Ronald Reagan supported ‘Thatcherism’ in the United States. 8. Thatcherites prefer scientific analysis of politics. 9. ‘Thatcherism’ can be seen as a variety of conservatism. 10. ‘Thatcherism’ insists of government control over economy. 11. In the United States George W. Bush administration is the example of ‘neo-conservative’ politicians. 12. Neo-conservatism is no longer popular. Project Work. Criticisms of ideologies. Stage 1. You need to be aware of the pitfalls of ideologies, and some ideas are outlined below. Match the ideology to its main drawbacks.
Stage 2. Find quotes that reflect ideological issues and explain why each ideology is valuable. Identify key thinkers that have supported the view and/or ideology.